The mod you are trying to view has ceased development and consequently been archived. If you are a member of this mod, can demonstrate that it is being actively developed and will be able to keep this profile up to date with the latest news, images, videos and downloads, please contact us with all details and we will consider its re-activation.

Originally starting out as the idea to recreate a school, The Campus Mod has become much more and is now looking to be an individual game using the Source engine.

RSS News
Nothing New Yet, Though helpers are wanted

Nothing New Yet, Though helpers are wanted


Nothing Much done as of yet. Help is needed if you wish.

Character Modellers Wanted

Character Modellers Wanted


Character modelers needed. Read for more information.

Our new direction of modding!

Our new direction of modding!


Breaking news. The Campus Mod Goes To Source Engine

We Are Back!!!


Well, we are abck after several months. We have been very busy with other commitments and hav had little time for the mod. However, we are moving along...

Back To It


Well, its been at least a while since we updated our site. The team has been very busy with other commitments (eg School). We have not given up on the...

Why We Went Silent


Sorry to all who are waiting for some progress on this mod. The team has been busy with more important duties. We have spare time ahead of us in a week...

Progress Update - Feb 11


This is an extract from our website: Well, the Gymnasium map is pretty much complete. All we need to do is test it and its done. This time it supports...

The Next Map


Hi all, With our first map released as a teaser to our mod, we have begun work on the next map, "Gymnasium". A screen shot of its current progress...

Download Link Avaliable.


If you have not already noticed, the demo map of our mod has been uploaded and is waiting for you. The link below will take you to the download location...

First Map Release


Hi all, Our first map is complete and is going to be released to you guys as a little taste of what is to come in the full mod. This first map is called...

New Name, New Website, New Ambitions


Hi all, As you may have noticed, our name had changed. We have completed the process of chaing everything to this name. I would like to also say that...

New Year, New Name!


We hope evreyone had a happy and safe new year and we welcome you to a new year in the development of The Campus Mod. Our first map, D-Block, is almost...

First Map A Few Days Off Release!


Hi all, Our first map for the FEAR Mod called "The Loyola Mod" (Under the name Loyola here) is almost complete and nearing release. A lot of...

First Map Nearing Completion

News 1 comment

Our first news post brings with it good news. The first map of our mod is almost complete! We have uploaded screenshots of various stages in its development...