Escuchas un ruido y te despiertas en tu habitacion, tu padre se ha ido y estas con tu madre en tu casa. Encarnaras a James LeBreu, el hijo menor de una familia de alta clase social, tu padre cientifico, tu madre tambien , y tu hermano mayor vive en Granada, no sabes lo que hace, solo que ayuda a tu padre cuando viaja hacia alla.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 23)

Nice puzzles and story, I liked it overall!

at best, some stuff is sub-par but its still really bad. Doesnt deserve the high rating

Pretty damn fun! However, encountered a game-breaking bug in the lab, if you leave through the vents without making the greek bomb, the rocks appear, and you cannot leave with the greek bomb since the door locks. Very unfortunate for an otherwise really well made story, with lots of fun puzzles, that make you think and explore, really had fun with this one, just fix the bug and I'll be happy. Good map design, good stuff.


AlbertoBC says

May contain spoilers Agree Disagree

Como es la primera história personalizada de Amnesia de este creador, seré benevolo con ésta crítica.

The Armory tiene una história decente y prometedora, aunque se vé comprometida por la velocidad con la que se desarrolla, y el final que, aunque sea un "Continuará..." termina muy pobremente.

Los entornos están bien elaborados, aunque he podido notar un poco de repetitividad en algunas habitaciones, y algun que otro mapa con falta de detalle.

Las secuencias programadas están bien elaboradas, hay sustos decentes y realistas (excepto uno: el del hombre con el saco en la cabeza que aparece y desaparece).
En las páginas he podido notar varias faltas de ortografia.

La música de ambiente está bien empleada, excepto cuando te persiguen los monstruos, la musica no cambia.

He encontrado 3 fallos que será mejor que te mande por un mensaje privado cuales són.

-História: 7/10
-Diseño de entornos: 8/10
-Secuéncias programadas: 7/10
+Extra por ser la primera história del creador.
Total: 8/10

As the first Amnesia custom story of this creator, I'll be benevolent with this critic.

The Armory has a decent and promising story, but it's compromised because it's developed too fast and it ends poorly even if it ends with a "To be continued...".

The maps are well done, but I could see a little bit of repeatability on some rooms, and also a few of them lacked details.

The scripted sequences are well done, and the scares are realistic and well done (except for one: the one of the man with the bag on the head that appears and dissapears).

The soundtrack is well used, except for the monster encounters: When they chase you, the music doesn't change.

-Story: 7/10
-Map design: 8/10
-Scripted sequences: 7/10
+An extra for being the first custom story of the creator.
Overall: 8/10


Groovy_Denzel says

May contain spoilers Agree Disagree

Good Story, but at the Scene with the toxis corridor i must do i twice, becaus i went through this corridor before i have mixed the Explosive.


mucho bueno


zys says


XtraSpxtra says


Loirinha says


luciocorreaa says