Terra Mining Region, 227 exclusive and running on a fork of Project Gryphon, is an open world collection of maps which can technically play out forever, as the Skaarj and their subsidiary minions can enter (and exit) the region to fulfill tasks, jobs or orders based on the whims of their commanding classes. Players can choose to help the Nali communities, or choose to take what little they have left for themselves, possibly determining the diplomatic stances between other players, depending on how they treat the Nali. Also featuring a story, but not bound to it; your emergency rescue unit receives a distress call that originates from a planet in a twin star solar system known as Gryphon 4-A, from a contact that would be named Dr Ralph Gambon. Ralph, once a strandee, long ago shifted their personal priorities to be among others to look after a joint community of Nali and humans known as 'The Hospital'. However, a mysterious illness is creeping through it.

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Terra Mining Region Synopsis

Terra Mining Region Synopsis

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This article provides some lore synopsis to the project, which is currently a work in progress.

The people involved + Extra info!

The people involved + Extra info!

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This article goes into some recent developments and also outlines in better detail as to the people who are working on this project.