Strangelove is a mutator for Unreal Tournament that replaces the Redeemer with a similar weapon that you can ride. With various sound clips borrowed from the Dr. Strangelove movie, this mutator is definitely a unique way to play. Firstly developed by the 0fus team, it is now a community-developed modification. Strangelove is a hard game to learn. Therefore, Strangelove has never been as popular as other UT games, such InstaGib, BunnyTracks, SniperArena and more. Strangelove has always been a small community, with a low amount of servers and clans, and most of us in the Strangelove world know each others' skills, personality, history etc... (unlike in InstaGib for instance, there they have dozens of clans and servers, and there are many InstaGib'ers that might not know of each others' existence). This modication is still popular at the time being.

RSS Tutorials
The Basics of Strangelove

The Basics of Strangelove

Other Tutorial 1 comment

A tutorial designed to teach beginners how to use the Strangelove weapon in the Strangelove mod for Unreal Tournament.