This is an HD texture pack created for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. All textures, including the textures for weapon models, vehicle models and soldier models have been upgraded in order to give them a more modern appearance in respects to texture quality. This has taken me approximately six weeks to complete, the reason for only this short period of time to be required is because I'd already created most of these textures in order to use them for my Return to Castle Wolfenstein HD pack.

RSS Reviews

megvadulthangya says

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I think this is a Greatest Of All the Time mod (texture pack) for ET, but i think those skins making the game hardcore, couse almost similar, so I removed the player skins, removed 3 textures couse they destroy some snovy maps, like tram_et making the snovy montain mudy, and Northpole making weird textures on the ground. Fixed commandpost flags, and create flags.

I runing a modified version of this texture pack on my N!tmod and noQuarter fun server, almost every skill can carry over, so every castes get flak jacket, adrenalin ,mine spotting, assasin kill.

Server's have double jump and faster settings almost anything faster.
Server's have custom Hud and RTCW Like sounds.
Server's have custom Upscaled MAP-BASED-Playerskins

You can find my version of SL HD pack here:

connect for n!tmod server
connect for noQuarter server

Please tell everyone about our servers, so we will have more players with us!
I think This HD pack have lot of work on it and I hope more players and server admins pay attention to it. I think all servers need to run this HD Pack, in this format how i modified it, couse you can use the default player skins or use whatever you like.