Initially a (very) belated bugfix, so many changes and improvements have been made (including graphics and gameplay) that it is now being re-released as a redux version. Improvements over the old version include: * Improved lighting system * Countless bug fixes * Improved texturing * Updated HUD graphics * Increased difficulty * ACS improvements * Power-up rebalancing * And more!

RSS Reviews

Shulbocka says

Agree Disagree

This mapset is truly amazing. The design has a more modern FPS look, and the flow of the progression feels a lot more modern as well. Maps are interconnected which allow for great exploration and backtracking, which is both good and bad. Good because it can be fun to go back and access areas you couldn't earlier, but can be confusing as to where you're actually supposed to go at times. Objectives need to be completed in order to progress through the maps/missions, and the way this was implemented is great and how you'd expect objectives to be handled in a modern FPS game. The only con in my opinion is that it can be tough to know where to go sometimes, and it would be nice to have a way to navigate more efficiently. That's the only con though, the rest is amazing. You're truly missing out if you don't give this one a chance. Highly recommended!