Everything begins when the S.A.S. troops assaulted Asad's village, as the battle raged on and the Brits were trying to reach him, Khaled escaped the farmhouse and used a decoy who took a bullet for him ( literally ), an hour after decoy Asad was killed, Khaled managed to find a radio and informed Zakhaev that he has escaped, a helicopter was sent to get him and take Asad to the secret hideout in Afghanistan. But after Zakhaev learned that his son was killed he didnt pay much attention to his evil friend. It wasnt long ago that Asad's hideout was found and a group of Spetsnaz commandos, led by a young Georgy Zhukov, were sent to trap him, or so they thought. Asad tried to escape but his helicopter was shot down. As the russians moved in, the remaining of Asads troops tried to hold the Specnaz as long as they could, but to no avail. Khaled finnaly managed to take shelter in a abandomed rebel base, but as the commandos were closing in Asad didnt have a choice but to set a trap. He shot one of his servants...I mean soldiers, put his uniform on him and ran off. As the Specnaz were closing in he wired the ammo caches in the base, finnaly when the commandos founded the body, Asad triggered the explosives and everyone that was in the base was killed, only one Georgy Zhukov survived, who at that moment was ordered to hold the main gate.
4 months later...
The civil war in Russia seemed to be over, but a new danger was forming to the south, the first blow was struck after one of the most powerfull terrorist forces in the Middle East "JIHAD" rebeled against the americans in Iraq and liberated the nation, US was forced to withdraw temporally not knowing that it was a small part of a bigger plan. The next day the governemnt in Iran was overtrown and in a few hours JIHAD troopers were simbolicly destroing border post on the Iraq/Iran border. This powerfull organization was led by a fanatical Mehmed Al Mustafi, a long time friend of Asad.
The story between Mehmed and Khaled begins when both were recruited by a certain fanatical terrorist organization. Mehmed was a very charismatic leader who believed strongly that he is the direct descendant of Muhhamad. One of Mehmed's biggest ideals that he was destined to repeat what happened in the Middle Ages, only this time he would succeed no mater the cost. Khaled wasnt really that religous but he liked the idea, and beeing the heir to a very rich dad, Asad easily managed to gather quite a few people to help him. Together the two friends formed the secret organization that is just called JIHAD ( arab for HOLY WAR ). The first part of their plan was to coup the small nameless nation from CoD4. But as you know that plan was an Epic Fail. But now they are more ready and prepared to try again...
Mehmed had a lot of influence in the organization and after the organizations leader was killed by an US airstrike ( care to guess who tipped the US on his position )he joined forces with Asad to start the JIHAD ( money and power is a deadly combo ). At first most people in the west werent sure what to think about this. Many were demanding that NATO interfere and stop this before they grow in influence, but there was also another group of people that dont want iterference, after all the last US war triggered a nuke... The US president was more concerned with other matters and withdrew parts of the US soldiers from the Middle East. This was all Mehmed and Asad needed, the time came and the call to arms was made. JIHAD troops rallied together and after a series of peacefull or not so peacefull coups the united Iran and Iraq,and the Arabian Khalif was reborn, the people believed that it was their destiny to conquer the world, those who didnt think that were executed publicly ( mosly young people, or people that have buisness/relations with the west ). The same day JIHAD troops declared war on Saudi Arabia and managed to conquer the country in less than two days thanks to many of the civilians who voulenteered to the cause. With the seizing of Saudi Arabia's oil fields the JIHAD war machine could really show what it has. Now it was obvious that actions must be taken. But it was too late, JIHAD troops were recruiting thousands of people every day and after conquering Egypt and the Suez canal Many Northern African nations started voulenteerly joining them. NATO's only hope to stop them was Turkey - the last defense line of Europe, US and NATO forces were deployed at the Turkish-Iraqi border and were tasked to hold the border.
1 year later...
NATO and the US forces have some success holding the line, but the JIHAD was sending reinforcements everyday, and of course NATO had to send more reinforcements too, but the US had barely any reinforcements left. Now Mehmed is a very smart man so in one short month his troops made an airbourne assault and occupied Sicily and Malta ( from where they could bomb the southern part of Europe ), and most importantly the broke through the Gibraltar and managed to reach Madrid in a few weeks, before they were halted temporary by NATO reserves. Obviously things arent doing that well, many turkish people werent happy with the situation, the troops needed supply and the poor people were the ones who had to provide it. Surprisingly during the visit of the NATO leaders in Istanbul a suicide attack happened. Many important leaders were killed,and that was when the signal was given and the undercover JIHAD troops emerged, executed the pro-european turkish government took over and declared the rebirth of the Ottoman Empire, the remaining Marines and Turkish loyalist were trapped and had to retreat North towards Ukraine by ships.
That act of coup was a surprise, no one expected in, one of the main strike forces led by Asad himself started to move and conquer through the Balkans. For a while their troops were held back by Bulgarian and Greek forces at the Turkish border, but after a daring amphibious assault into Southern Bulgaria ( planed by Asad )they managed to encriple the defending troops, and the bulgarians were forced to fall back. The greek forces held the line as long as they could, but after a JIHAD airboure assault into Salonika ( also planned by Asad ), they were also forced to retreat that same day. Within a few weeks all of the Greek army had retreated into Athens, and after JIHAD's troops reached the city they began a long sige of the city. Meanwhile Asad send the majority into the central part of Bulgaria, where Bulgarian and Serbian troops were trying desperately to hold the enemy off. But after 1 month of fierce fighting the defence line broke, and JIHAD troops were in Sofia within a matter of days, the Bulgarian government had to evacuate the country and left everything behind, they were declared traitors and a new Bulgarian Goverment was formed that would continue the fight and temporary moved the capital to Skopie.None the less the arabs along with theyr new ottoman, albanian and bosnian allies continued their campaign throug the Balkans, with divisions reaching as far as Moldova and Croatia.
Now 7 months later The Kahlif has reached the border of western Europe and Russia. The russian government refuses to take public action against this threat. A decsision was made that Asad must be eliminated first and with the main Khalif army leadless that will be the most apropriate time for Russia to enter the war.
This will be an etnirely new campaign for the CoD4 franchise. The actualy Operation Cinema is an assault on the bulgarian city of Rousse by 8 Spetznaz soldiers. The difference is that the map itself wont be like anything done in CoD before, completely unlinear, GTA style city, hidden objectives, massive assaults, suicide missions and almost 2 hours of non-stop action.
Of course then comes the Prelude to Cinema Campaign, where the story will unfold and show the most key events that lead to the battle in Rousse, from the escape of Al Asad to the coup in Istanbul, from the capitulation of the Balkan nations to the rebirt of the Arabian Khalif everything will be shown in tipical CoD cinematic way. And dont forget the mod will aslo feature some new goodies to make the game feel more realistic like big open areas as well as other good stuff that make the game better.

Since the Rousse map is the biggest map it willbe divided into chapters, to give you a glimpse of just how big everything is here are them with a small description:

Chapter 0: "RV at Noon"
- Your helicopter has been shut down ( cliche i know ), destroy the AA guns to ensure that the other squad will land succesfully and meet up with them. ( since the level is too big allready, I decided to have this chapter to be its own level )

Chapter 1: "Chaos on Aleksandrovska St."
- Lead your squad through the city of Rousse and eliminate Al Asad.

Chapter 2: "Bulgarian Assault"
- A massive arab army is coming, between the massive force of Asads army and the city garrison, you must help the Bulgarians liberate the city or they will be surrounded.. with you in the middle.

Chapter 3: "Romania or Bust"
- The Romanians have sent a tank army to reinforce the Bulgarians, but there is only one bridge across the Danube. You must find an alternate way to cross the Danube and secure the bridge or all is lost.

Chapter 4: "There and back again"
- Escort the Romanian tanks to the outskirts of Rousse to reinforce the Bulgarians.

Chapter 5: "The Battle of Rousse"
- The time has come, can the combined forces of Bulgaria and Romania be able to stop the largest arab army in Europe in a battle that will decide the future of the Balkan peninsulla. Can one Spetsnaz soldier make a difference.

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First off happy 2015 everyone, make sure to make the best of the new year and may we be all happy and healthy! Obviously its been a while since the last update, so I am making this post to answer a few questions, as well as make some announcements.

  • Is the mod dead? No. I am still working on it.
  • Why aren't there any updates? A few reasons. For starters there has been a lot of things happening: personally and profesionally. It doesnt help that I had to study abroad. Now that I am back home permanently (for now) I can take the time to craft some interesting tidbits.
  • Why can you only work on the mod while at home? Well, here is where the fun stuff begins: when I first began making the mod, I did it on my very old PC, my ambitions were great so, aside from the maps, I also included lots of modded files. However the PC was very slow, so I eventually moved the mapping part to my laptop, however due to the large number of modded files, I can only compile the map on my original PC. Things became rather complicated when my father moved the PC to his workpalce to help his work. I can still visit at any time, however in order to make the scripting work, I need to be able to compile the map quickly. So I can only do scripting on that PC. Fun right?
  • So when are we getting the Operation Cinema: Shipka map? I am hoping to have it finished, if not by the end of the year, then in early 2016. It depends a lot on my schedule. There is a teaser trailer in the works, so watch out for that.
  • The Shipka map wont be another demo right? It will be a full level.
  • Will you continue working on the other levels? By hook or crook I am finishing the Shipka level, I've worked for so long at it, that it will be a waste to abandom it. Unfortunately the scheduling is rather hard, so it is likely that it may be the last level I release for at least a while. Will it be the last one? Never say never. And I would like, if possible to finish the level where you play as an arab.
  • What about the older maps? Funny you should mention that, because I am planning to release (possibly this summer) an extended version of the original Operation Cinema: Ruse map.
  • What will be different about the extended version? More buildings, more objectives, easter eggs and possibly some general imrpovements in the background.
  • Anything else? Enjoy the hollidays :)
Operation Cinema: Battle for Shipka peak PREVIEW

Operation Cinema: Battle for Shipka peak PREVIEW

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Find out all the early details on the next instalment of the Operation Cinema franchise UPDATED: 24.1.11

Operation Cinema: Afghansitan DEMO Preview

Operation Cinema: Afghansitan DEMO Preview

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Celebrating 2 years of Operation Cinema, the war continues... updated feautures for the Demo.

Prelude to Cinema Campaign Announced!

Prelude to Cinema Campaign Announced!

News 3 comments

We saw the fight raging in Rousse, but what led to it. before that there were other battles, other heroes and familiar faces, these are their stories...

Cinema DEMO Walkthrough

Cinema DEMO Walkthrough

News 2 comments

Obviously most of you guys had a difficulty adapting to the non-linear style of the map and thus have dificulties passing it. But this is a demo and its...

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Operation Cinema: Afghansitan DEMO

Operation Cinema: Afghansitan DEMO

Demo 30 comments

6 months after Al Asad's supposed death the tide is turning in the Middle East, on the morning of August 21 the US and Russain troops in the military...

Operation Cinema: Rousse,Bulgaria DEMO

Operation Cinema: Rousse,Bulgaria DEMO

Demo 21 comments

After over a year development the first playable demo is here. The story is something like this: After a hard landing in the city of Rousse the Spetznaz...

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Guest - - 700,021 comments

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KodoL - - 239 comments

Not bad, but some points need to be cut out. The author tried to make a new weapon but did not have time to apply the texture. Also, some points need to be removed such as: a very long trip and a minefield. They must either be cut down or cut out completely. Unfortunately, the author scored on his mod. My assessment: 7.5/10(Неплохо, но некоторые моменты надо вырезать. Автор пытался сделать новое оружие но не успел наложить текстуру. Так же некоторые моменты надо убрать такие как: очень долгая поездка и минное поле. Их надо либо урезать, либо вырезать полностью. К сожалению автор, забил на свой мод. Моя оценка: 7.5/10)

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Guest - - 700,021 comments


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JYU - - 24 comments

hows the project coming? just curious about the lack of updates

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manant155 - - 10 comments

Already been four years since the last demos release, time really flies...

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obiwanbul Creator
obiwanbul - - 363 comments

I know, sorry for the lack of updates. So many task to do and there is almost no time to work.
I do plan to finish the Shipka peak map, since ive put too much work in it to just let it sit on my harddrive. However it will likely be the last map in Operation Cinema series.

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JYU - - 24 comments

thats a shame...so much good stuff in the pics

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obiwanbul Creator
obiwanbul - - 363 comments

Thank you:)

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JYU - - 24 comments

ar-m1 for bulgarians soldiers?

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obiwanbul Creator
obiwanbul - - 363 comments

Do you mean the Abrams tank? That is for the Ottomann soldiers, while the bulgarian soldiers will have T-72s. This is done for more realism.

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JYU - - 24 comments

sorry i meant the bulgarian assault rifle-i know its basically an ak with minor modifications but i thought it would be cool if the bulgarians could have their own rifle

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obiwanbul Creator
obiwanbul - - 363 comments

That is a pretty good idea, and its actually very easy to do, since the only visual difference between the two AK's is the wooden stock. And the modifications can be simple tweaking of the weapon code.
Good idea man. Cheers!

Reply Good karma+2 votes
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