In a parallel dimension where not only apes evolved into a dominant and intelligent species, technology far surpasses our current level. There are four main dominating factions in the known universe.

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Experiment: Tumblr Account

Experiment: Tumblr Account


I'm going to experiment with a Tumblr account for FOXTec Mods, please note, it's still early in the experiment.

Website is back - Sigma Invasion

Website is back - Sigma Invasion


This is just a little news post to let people know that we have our website back. The problem was that the hosting company, was bought by another company...

Battle Report: Entrenchment

Battle Report: Entrenchment

News 4 comments

New SatCom images have become avalable for viewing by the general public.

Battle Commences

Battle Commences

News 1 comment

The conflict on Sigma XII has begun, the two co...

Invasion Launched

Invasion Launched

News 2 comments

Backstory: In a parallel dimension where not only apes evolved into a dominant and intelligent species, technology far surpasses our current level. There...

Invasion alert!

Invasion alert!

News 2 comments

Be warned commander, A Darkshield invasion is taking place on one of our newly colonized planets, their goal is the Mithrillite. Their technology consists...