SectarianBase is my first project based on GZDoom Builder. This is a map made on the basis of the classic DOOM2 without any additions of its own. According to the scenario, we are a prisoner who escapes from the sectarian prison and fights his way through. Along the way, it turns out that portals to hell were opened on the basis of sectarians and all sorts of demons seized most of the premises. It's time to grab a weapon and fight for your life

RSS Reviews

endoomer says

Early access review Agree Disagree

Отличная и приятная карта, а для первой пробы пера - так вообще внушительный результат.
Не без огрехов, но вполне достойно, поиграть на 15 минут вполне годится.
Что понравилось больше всего - переход от UAC части к адской посредством обугленного пламенем и дымящегося пролома в стене. Выглядит необычно и интересно.
Что не понравилось - большое количество закрытых дверей. То есть просто текстуры дверей на стене, которые не предназначены для открывания. Это вносит некоторую путаницу.
В остальном же всё прекрасно. Прошёл карту на стриме самой первой, кому интересно - прошу, смотрите.

An excellent and pleasant map, and an impressive result for the first try in Doom mapping.
Not without flaws, but quite worthy. A decent choice for 15-minutes play.
What I liked the most was the transition from the UAC part to the hellish one through a burning and smoking hole in the wall. It looks unusual and interesting.
What I didn't like was the large number of closed doors. That is, just the textures of the doors on the walls that are not designed to be opened. This provides some confusion.
Otherwise, everything is fine. I played the map on the stream the very first, so for those who's interested - here's the YouTube link.