You are the Dr.Mars, you have assign Test to the SCP-173, but the C.I Control the SCP-079 and SCP-079 breaking the Containment door system let thare scp come's out the door, so how Far is the ground?

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makeing Discord server!!!!

makeing Discord server!!!!

News 1 comment

we are makeing discord server because we need distribution jobs and also can let you faster talk to us!!!!

Voice actor needed

Voice actor needed

News 10 comments

we need a voice actor because we don't have enough person to do A Voice actor or more

any Ideas?

any Ideas?

News 13 comments

we need some ideas because my imagination is not very good.

Pre-Alpha Tester Needed

Pre-Alpha Tester Needed

News 32 comments

we need A Pre-Alpha Tester because we don't have enough man to be a tester and our First Verison will be release quickly.