ENG: This modification is designed to remove various artifacts, glitches, and freezes when playing with separately placed addons (in addons/cstrike_downloads/etc.). The modification also adds some content used for servers, which will speed up some loading. The modification is based on the trial version of "Counter-Strike". By downloading and unpacking the archive you agree to purchase a licensed version.

P.S. I don't take responsibility for anything I borrow from other people. I do not use other people's intellectual property for my own benefit. Consider this modification an impersonal collection of addons.

RUS: Эта модификация призвана убирать разные артефакты, глюки, зависания при игре с отдельно размещёнными аддонами (в addons/cstrike_downloads/т.п.). Также модификация добавляет некоторый контент использующийся для серверов, что ускорит некоторую загрузку. Модификация базируется на пробной версии "Counter-Strike". Скачивая и распаковывая архив Вы обязуетесь приобрести лицензионную версию.

P.S. Я не несу ответственности за все, что заимствую у других людей. Я не пользуюсь интеллектуальной собственностью других людей для своей выгоды. Считайте эту модификацию обезличенной сборкой аддонов.

Content authors whose addons were borrowed in order to simplify the user experience:


keep 1.6 alive


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Most likely the latest Real Sandbox Redux update

Since I added everything I wanted to Real Sandbox Redux and everything that allowed, at least for me personally, to improve my Counter-Strike experience, I think I will no longer update RSRedux. Perhaps in the future I will post addons/addon packs here that could improve the Real Sandbox/Counter-Strike experience.

In any case, the ModDB page will not be empty for a long time. If you want to post something related to Real Sandbox or Counter-Strike on this page, you can do it. You are free to post your own articles, media, downloads.

You can download the latest version of Real Sandbox Redux from the official ModDB page or from the official GAMEBANANA page.

One of the reasons why this may be the latest version of RSRedux is that I optimized the game as much as possible. Here is the FPS in the main menu at almost maximum CPU load in patch 1 and patch 2:

Screenshot 15Screenshot 14

Special thanks to:


keep 1.6 alive


With respect to everyone,


Release and what happens next.

Release and what happens next.


I have released Real Sandbox Redux and will tell you what I will do next.

(RN1) How is the development progressing and why is it lagging so much

(RN1) How is the development progressing and why is it lagging so much


How is the development progressing and why is it lagging so much. Short answer: I made the wrong launch parameters and now it's very laggy here if you...

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Real Sandbox Redux: Patch 2

Real Sandbox Redux: Patch 2


Small fixes, fixed bugs with some addons, now regular addons need to be placed in the cstrike_addon folder, fixed a bug with adding servers to favorites...

Real Sandbox Redux: Patch

Real Sandbox Redux: Patch


Minor fixes and command menu have been added (press V for this)

Real Sandbox Redux

Real Sandbox Redux

Full Version

This is the long-awaited version of Real Sandbox, but completely remade.

Real Sandbox 6

Real Sandbox 6

Full Version

I will make another mod for COunter-Strike after that, but it will be on a similar topic

[Broken] Real Sandbox 5a

[Broken] Real Sandbox 5a


This is the official (second) release of my game. I think you will appreciate it well. Most likely I will still release patches, but they will be small.

[Broken] Real Sandbox 5

[Broken] Real Sandbox 5

Full Version

This is the official release of my game. I think you will appreciate it well. Most likely I will still release patches, but they will be small.

Guest - - 706,257 comments

bro I have problem 👉 Unable to load.\Steam\Steam2.dll.
please edit or comment out steamdll value in rev.ini

How to fix that?

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RealPlayer1 Creator
RealPlayer1 - - 2 comments

Sorry I didn't answer for a long time. Check if you have steam running. If not, then run it. If that didn't help, then here's an explanation: I connected the CS database to an update server (not mine). Perhaps the client is trying to check himself for updates via the link, but steam blocks the connection. [it used to be written here that I would release an update. Now, I won't.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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