Play as an solider in a small militia fighting for your life.

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Storyline change and map remake


TLDR: Started working on it again and rewrote the storyline/maps.

I'm working on it! Yay! It's been a while and since I have free time now I figured I would come back to this. When I looked at the current storyline, I thought that it was pretty lacking and it didn't really feel like the small civil war militia that I planned on. So, I rewrote the storyline (In my head, though I do have a rough draft of it on paper). Now with this new storyline, It didn't really match up to my chapter 1 maps, which were being made as I was working on the storyline. So I decided to remake the chapter 1 maps. You can find footage of the first map as well as some photos of it in the photos section.


Screenshot 2023 10 01 191450

- Nova

Dev Update: Intro and Chapter 1


Hello! There have been many updates since I have last posted on here (which was 2 days ago but whatever)

For starters, I have started development on an "Intro" chapter. This is for some backstory as you would just spawn in a building, filled with deadly solders, for seemingly no reason. Secondly, chapter 1 (Otherwise known as "The Communications Center") Is on a great development path currently.

Preview 3

(Don't mind the tops of the skyscrapers as the player does not normally see them)

The Intro chapter is very barebones, with only a couple of things

Preview 5

Preview 4


Fun Fact: The only reason there is a wall on the intro map at all is because I needed to take a screenshot.

Now, the models.

I don't currently have any custom models for the game (I have some custom art for an uzi, but I'm no modeler), and the glock and mp5 are from my canceled mod "The Experiments". Oh yeah, that got canceled. While I had planned to work on both of these, I very soon realized these ideas were too large to be developed at the same time, so I canceled the other mod and plan on sharing some more files and voice acting (I used AI text-to-speech, lol) on my youtube channel:

Cheers :