Return To Doom is a map pack of which I take 4 maps from the original Doom, put it in an episode, tweak it to fit a new look, new areas, new threats, add DooM 2 things, and make a new Boss fight for that episode, and a new secret level. No custom enemies will be used and every episode with have different themes based on DooM games. Episode One- Knee Deep In Hell (DooM Style) Episode Two- The Shores Of Phobos (DooM 64) and that's all I have planed so far. The Fourth Episode, Thy Flesh Condemned, will be entirely new though, setting place on earth to find the Icon of sin and destroy it before it destroys Earth.

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Return To Doom (Episode One) FIX!!!!

Return To Doom (Episode One) FIX!!!!

Singleplayer Map

OOPS!!! I didn't realize the bug in map02, where it doesn't have an exit, sorry!!