The original Splattercore mod. Rawmeat is a TC for Quake. It's a zombi-slaughter-fest starring Chuck Khusk It's year 1958, Chuck goes to see his mom and dad and founds out that the house has been overrun by zombis. Chuck barracades himself inside the manor, but finally the zombis break in. Now it's time for Chuck to kick some serious zombi-ass! There's also modernized version avaible. The Rawmeat+ that gives increased support to Tenebrae. Changes in Rawmeat+ compared to Rawmeat are Tenebraes light support and minor optimisation in map that dropped average vis faces from 222 to 221. As Rawmeat was made easier in the latest 1.1 version, Rawmeat+ was kept as difficult as the older version of Rawmeat.

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New version.

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There's two changes: 1) Rawmeat was made easier: the circle saw does not use any ammo anymore, and you recover from damage faster when you saw zombis...