Unreal Tournament 2004 Random Ladder Mod By minimini815 The purpose of this mod is to increase the re-playability of the campaign (ladder) by allowing levels to take place on a variety of maps. Maps will be randomly chosen from an expanded pool. The mod requires BP 2, CBP 1-2, and UCBP 1-4 If you want to add more custom maps to the rotation, or don't like certain maps, or have some other reason, download the source files for the mod where I've included a simple 10 minute guide describing how to customize the mod for yourself.

RSS Reviews

Master_2p6 says

Agree Disagree

Great Mod, thx for adding the source mod files.

Btw there is a small Typo in UT2K4LadderInfoa.uc in Line 801.

instead of


FlyToTheSky says

Agree Disagree

Does what it says - makes the original single player campaign more interesting by adding more maps. For example, instead of the first mission always taking place on DM-1on1-Idoma, it now takes place on either DM-CBP1-AugustNoon, or DM-CBP2-Kadath, or DM-CBP2-Khrono, or DM-Leviathan, or DM-UCMP-1on1-Derelict.

A few cons:

- Bit of a pain to install (you need to change like 5 lines in your .ini file)

- Only includes maps from Base game, the two CBPs, and the four UCBPs. Would have liked more user maps. It's fine for DM and CTF, but most DDOM, BR and AS levels only have 1 or 2 alternative maps. ONS ladder isn't touched.


PaladinKnight says