Chayo Mod has Chayo Country. Chayo Country can build Everything. Full name of Chayo is Chayo Omnivore.

RSS Reviews

Zero_x3 says

Agree (1) Disagree



lee594 says

Agree Disagree

Pointless. Useless. Probably comes packed with spyware and virus'.

Nothing of significance has been done. Waste of time.


Ou_Daiki says

Agree Disagree

I think he might be a good developer,he knows engines that we don't have or the methods to reverse engines.


TwistedModder says

Agree Disagree

I'll give this mod a fair spin unlike the others. This mod is indeed bad as the others say, and I'll tell you why.

This mod has a lot of versions for some reason. All versions use a modding extension or multiple. (I've tried the "All Extreme" version.) In-game there are 3 new sub-factions and 1 new faction. For the subfactions, they're all seem to be clones of the 3 og factions but they can build the "Robotar". This unit is basically the Avatar from C&C3; that uses a silent prism weapon. It's pretty good against infantry and structures. The unit's visuals are ugly. It being a voxel walker already makes it bad as it doesn't cast shadows.

The 3 factions can build an upgrade to their power plants and a "Battle MCV". All versions of the Battle MCV are armed with a Prism Tank-like weapon, and for most versions of the Battle MCV, when they Deploy, they become an invisible, invincible, 1-tiled structure that can only be erased by Chrono Legionnaires. Yuri's Army can also train darker looking dogs. Oh, almost forgot to mention, the Allied engineer's icon is missing.

Now let's look at the "Chayo Omnivore" faction. When you play as the faction with starting units, you'll see 3 things. An ugly looking MCV with badly made normals, Ugly hover tanks (They're called Conquer Tanks), and SEAL looking infantry with different colors. The faction seems to unfinished and stuck at tier 1. The Chayo Omnivore structures look like public assets of remade Allied structures. Now, where are the credits for most of this mod's assets? The Chayo infantry's icon looks like Master Chief from Halo (lol. I should also mention the Chayo infantry can swim.), and the Chayo Naval Yard has nothing.

The Chayo war factory? Oh boy. First, it doesn't have a build-up animation (can still be sold though.) Second, it provides you with all MCVs from the 3 factions, and a lot of versions of the Chayo MCV. This ranges from normal, Battle, Burrow (This mod doesn't seem to change the burrow sounds, as RA2 uses the Nuke siren sound as placeholder for the burrow sounds.), Chrono (doesn't work), flying, robot (The robot version is a modified TS Mammoth MK2 with bits of the Chayo MCV on it.), Mirage (they're actually cloaked, and only cloaked when not moving.), to Crush.

Overall: The Chayo mod is a badly developed mod with a tiny amount of content by a newbie modder, and it looks like the modder is trying to get this mod popular. Word of advice from me: You should archive your mod until you learned more about modding and get a good artist or 2.

"Master Chief? You mind telling why you're in a poorly made modification of a 20 year old game?"
"Sir, get me out of this shithole."


RossinCarlinx says

Agree Disagree



jayveelloyd77 says

Agree Disagree

this is mot a mod


Zuffel_Doppeladler says


CyberPasta says