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Operation Shephard features the return of the main character of Opposing Force... Cpl. Adrian Shephard. Shephard awakens at the beginning of the 7-hour war and the Combine have began their attacks, assaulting from portal rifts spawned from the portal storms. You must fight to survive, and do your duty as a marine to defend earth to the best of your ability... "We wanted to see Shephard return, and we wanted a dedicated project to bring him back, so we started our own..." - Operation Shephard Team We have new forums at: The ones on the ModDB page can be used if you don't wish to create a new account on these forums, but you're more likely to get a better response on the Proboards forum. The forums on the website also are basically defunct now.

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Story Help Topic (Games : Half-Life 2 : Mods : Operation Shephard : Forum : Story : Story Help Topic) Locked
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Aug 8 2007 Anchor

The mod is going faster then expected considering our small team but we are in need of more of plot for Shephard. So far shephard wakes up and hes trying to survive the 7-hour war but what else? What after? There are many ideas the community have suggested before but what would be best? Should Shephard strictly take part in the defence of earth and lead a last charge at the combine? Should he end up on Xen? And should we take the story even farther (Which we will) and make shephard help in the rebellion afterwards and witness gordon freeman and his timeline? We are lost as to what sub-plots we could have along the way in the 7-hour war and would like you the community to help us out and discuss in our "Story" forum at sumbit and discuss any ideas you would like to see in Operation Shephard. Any feedback would be appreciated greatly. Shephard's fate is in the your hands.

Aug 10 2007 Anchor

I've got a story about/regarding Adrian's role closer to the HL2 timeline.

It involves Shephard taking a role back in Black Mesa, and I personally think it's pretty epic.

If you are (And you seem to be) going for having the 7-hour war in the mod, it's perfectly fine by me, and it's simple enough for me to integrate the Black Mesa portion into any other ideas you have...

I'm (insanely) good at taking ideas/things and finding ways for them to connect/interact to make one complete story.

Would you like to hear about Shephard in Black Mesa..?

Aug 11 2007 Anchor

We wern't planning having Shephard go through black mesa much but we may change this so please, any ideas would be apreciated.

Aug 11 2007 Anchor

You weren't planning on it, alright.

If you WANT to have Race X appear at all in the game, going through Black Mesa allows you to better show why Race X is returning.

It also allows you to explain a few of the events in HL2!

I guess I'll explain more about the Black Mesa idea:

Shephard goes to Black Mesa at some point, preferably with the Combine on his tail. When inside, he sides with the Vortigaunts and Humans against Xenian aliens that still inhabit Black Mesa. Later on, they get to a point in which they clash with the Race Xians that are still in the facility. Later on, the Combine break through the top of the facility and pluge into the area where the Xenians and Race Xians normally meet.

You're basically put into a 4-way deathmatch of epic proportions: Humans VS Xen VS Race X VS Combine.

It serves a larger purpose, but this purpose isn't exactly one of the ones that the player experiences directly...He might be told about it and such...

Anyways, if you want more on the idea, tell me. Otherwise I'll just fade into the darkness =P

As for random ideas about the game: How about Shephard ends up with the Combine for a bit =O!?

(I've put lots of thought into a bunch of odd ideas about an Op4 Continuation, so if you think you need someone to integrate the story/plot into a workable...story, then feel free to PM me or something.)

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