Broken Revenge is a Fps/Rts game. News to comme really soon. We are Searching for help too, to join juste contact us, or email us, or contact us on steam... thank you

Add job Report Searching for Programmers and Modelers. at Radioaktive Studio

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Programmers located Anywhere.

Posted by Radioaktive Studio on

Radioaktive Studio, is searching for Programmers and Modeler for the source engine. The mod is called: Broken Revenge.

Rts player, vs fps players. Rts player will have to control npc's and active traps. fps players will need to escape and survive.
Codes based on the zombiemaster Source release ( The Zombie Master source code (for ZM 1.2.1) has been released under the MIT license. In short, this means you can make code changes to ZM and release them, or build a new mod on top of the ZM code, and more.)


To Apply

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