Napoleonic Real War is a modification for Napoleonic wars textures and shaders to make HD games and realist with the change of uniforms for accurate rendres.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 12)

Well, long story short, this mod is the splendour of the rose, the details are just wonderful for a Warband game. Some things I do not like though, are basically some skins, but that's just a personal matter of opinion, they are still nice made.

This. Is. AWESOME!

dksafk fkads kdk fkasf kdk sfk kdsk fdkf ksk fdk fasf as fdsaf ewtrewt45g dfgrdf gdf gdfg df gdf gdf gdfg dhty y tjyyk i ul uihjgh

Im afraid i can only give it above average. I give credit to the new voices, musket sounds, skins and slight texture but its not really one of those must have mods.


B5 says

Agree Disagree



� says


dariossss says


Haraldr_kraka says


Marokkino says


Larkon says