Welcome to Calradia, the year is 1717, and the smell of sulfur hangs in the air. Musket fire and cannonades echo across the land as Calradia is once again beset by war. Our story begins in the declining Calradian Empire of the 18th century, it's borders bombarded ceaselessly by countless enemies that surround them. Fight with daring riflemen, dashing Hussars or battle hardened grenadiers under your command as you serve the modern nations of Calradia or begin your journey as the Emperor or Emperoress in this land of chaos.

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Sarranid Sultanate (Games : Mount & Blade: Warband : Mods : Calradia: Imperial Age - Dragoon Edition : Forum : Factions : Sarranid Sultanate) Locked
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Mar 19 2013 Anchor

The sarranid sultanate will borrow troop styles from both the ottoman empire and other regional forces, they will be a bit more "old fashion" then the other kingdoms because of their conflict with the Khanate.
The men of the sultan need to have better melee weapons to fight the Khergit horde and so they will get better melee weapons.
Any suggestions can be posted here.

Edited by: shorun

Mar 22 2013 Anchor

I have got a suggestion for the Sarranids what about making Soldiers look like the Ottoman Nizam soldiers who look more "fashionable" but with elite scimitars and of course muskets and as for the horsemen I think that they should look like old fashioned like the Sipahi or the Mamelukes or something . but their only fashionable cav is the Mounted Nizam who were like dragons which mean that they were armed with Carbines and Swords .

Mar 22 2013 Anchor

makes sense, their cav. needs to be better epuiped against the khergits so a dragoon with carbine and armor would not be that strange,
and the scimitars are allready on the planning, rather then bayonets. it's possible we allso add some pikes/long spears to their lower tier infantry to counter the khergit lancers. and lots of the sarranid armors look like fashion dresses but give rather nice armor bonuses so this can be done without to much work as well.

sounds like a plan.

Mar 22 2013 Anchor

IMO we need an Ottoman Mameluke culture for them, Mameluke culture when it comes to cav and 19th century Ottoman Culture when it comes to infantry , I don't like the idea of them look Janissary alike.
Oh and as for lower tier infantry well they can be separated into two main types, they are the anti cavelary assault infantry and the Musketeers how they all start with the Sarranid requite of course which IMO should be armed with a Scimitar or maybe a pike or spear as for his cloths well IMO it will remain the same however of course it can be upgraded to the Sarranid Militia, the Sarranid militia soldier is armed with an old fashioned musket he has got a single cartidge and his also armed with a Scimitar, then you can either upgrade it to Sarranid Line infantry(Turkish Nizam who are some sort of modern looking with an ME taste) or to the Sarranid
assault infantry(Who still wear armor old fashioned and armed wtih either a Halberd or a pike) what do you say ?

Mar 22 2013 Anchor

I think I will need new models for this.
lets hear what others think of it, but I do think militia should come before musketeers, considering the musketeers are prof. soldiers.

Mar 23 2013 Anchor

well the Sarranid assault infantry already got their armor and armament we have got the vannila Sarranid elite armor already in game . many other armors are also in the Militia can wear perhaps the Sarranid Archer's Padded Vest fits well for the MILITIA only so basically you only need the musketeers and officers uniforms ?

Mar 23 2013 Anchor

maybe do this
think of a troop tree, a full one. starting form recruit to elite and describe their gear.
i won't be playing the sarranids myself but that does not take away the fact i do want a more "exotic" faction. But i just don't know what to give them.
Either way only expect suggestions in v1.2.

Mar 25 2013 Anchor

It all begins with the Sarranid requite he wears the same vanilla old fashioned uniform and he's armed with a scimitar , then it can be either upgraded into Militia or Sarranid light assault soldier the Militia soldier wears the Sarranid archer Vest with a Turban or warrior cap and is armed with an old fashioned eastern style from WFAS musket with a single cartridge and a scimitar while the light assault soldier wears Sarranid mail armor and Sarranid warrior cap and is armed with a spear . the Milita can be upgraded into Musketeers who are armed with an eastern style musket from WFAS and a scimitar they also wear the Ottoman Nizam uniform . The Sarranid light assault soldier can upgraded to either horseman or heavy assault soldier the horseman is armed with shield and scimitar and wears something old fashioned and it can be upgraded into either the mameluke or mounted Nizam or mounted gunners the mameluke is armed with a lance shield and sword and wears the vanilla mameluke mail while the mounted Nizam or Mounted gunners are the only modern cavalry in the sarranid sultanate and are armed with a carbine and sword and they wear the mounted Ottoman Nizam uniform, and back the Sarranid light soldier who can be upgraded into the heavy assault soldier the heavy assault soldier is armed with either halberd or a pike and wears the Sarranid guard armor , the sarranid heavy assault soldier can be upgraded into the guard assault soldier who is armed with either a pike or halberd and wears the Sarranid elite armor,
and last but not least the Sarranid Musketeer can be either upgraded into skirmisher or veteran musketeer the skirmisher wears a special reskined nizam uniform and is armed with an eastern rifled musket and a Scimitar while the veteran musketeer wears the same musketeer uniform and is armed with the same armament but with better skills and abilities the veteran musketeer can also be either upgraded into the guard musketeer or grenadiers the guard musketeers wear a modified version of the Ottoman Nizam uniform maybe with some golden symbols however these are the only soldiers who have got baynots attached to their muskets and they are highly skilled , the grenadiers on the other hand are still some sort of old fashioned they still use grenades and they are armed with a musket with 20 cartridges and of course a scimitar not mentioning that they wear hmm some sort of an Ottoman Janissary grenadier uniform from NTW .

NOTE : make sure to have a piece of paper in order to draw the troop tree also make sure to know NTW units since Napoleon total war can be a great inspiration !

Lol it seems that no one read all of my previous post :D

Edited by: MnBLover4life

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