Welcome to Calradia, the year is 1717, and the smell of sulfur hangs in the air. Musket fire and cannonades echo across the land as Calradia is once again beset by war. Our story begins in the declining Calradian Empire of the 18th century, it's borders bombarded ceaselessly by countless enemies that surround them. Fight with daring riflemen, dashing Hussars or battle hardened grenadiers under your command as you serve the modern nations of Calradia or begin your journey as the Emperor or Emperoress in this land of chaos.

Forum Thread
Kudan Arena (missing textures)(Solved 1.3.1) (Games : Mount & Blade: Warband : Mods : Calradia: Imperial Age - Dragoon Edition : Forum : Minor bugs (none game breaking) : Kudan Arena (missing textures)(Solved 1.3.1)) Locked
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Mar 27 2013 Anchor

Just go to the arena any time during the day and you will see the problem.

Apr 10 2013 Anchor

pic related?
besides this one and a similar texture bug during the intro mission the game's pretty much clean of bugs...
with some time to get polished it could be one of the best around.

Apr 11 2013 Anchor

yea i think both are related, if we can fix this (i hope) this will also fix the starting town problem

ok, after an hour searching trough the files i'm more confused then ever, I found the related files of missing walls and here's the thing
The wall ARE in the mod folder, the required files are being loaded, obviously i'm missing something here so yea.. This is going to take more time then expected.....

If anyone cares to help, please contact me

Finally the source of this bug has been found, working on a patch...

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