Welcome to Calradia, the year is 1717, and the smell of sulfur hangs in the air. Musket fire and cannonades echo across the land as Calradia is once again beset by war. Our story begins in the declining Calradian Empire of the 18th century, it's borders bombarded ceaselessly by countless enemies that surround them. Fight with daring riflemen, dashing Hussars or battle hardened grenadiers under your command as you serve the modern nations of Calradia or begin your journey as the Emperor or Emperoress in this land of chaos.

Forum Thread
Kingdom of Rhodoks (Games : Mount & Blade: Warband : Mods : Calradia: Imperial Age - Dragoon Edition : Forum : Factions : Kingdom of Rhodoks) Locked
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Mar 19 2013 Anchor

The Rhodoks are and will always be men of the hills, and their dislike for cavalry has remained the same.
Because muskets and rifles work so well in the rhodok lands they are better trained for this, their best marksmen get promoted to the honourable and elite sniper rank and their devotion to their rifle has made them the finest skirmishers in calradia.

Any suggestions can be made here.

Edited by: shorun

Mar 27 2013 Anchor

Name change suggestions for Rhodoks:

Rhodok Republic.
Duchy of Rhodok.
Free State of Rhodok.

Edited by: Nurdbot

Mar 27 2013 Anchor

They've got a king. scrap the republic.
a duchy is a province run by a duke (count) that is usually a vassal to a king..
free state? not even the rhodoks are that hypocrite??

Sorry for the manner of the post, if it sounds aggressive this was not the intention, but I just got up and read this. if people support it then it will be put into the mod, but personally I must vote no.

Mar 27 2013 Anchor

The faction names to me all seem rather bland, besides I know this is a fictional mod and all but I really do think at least two or three of the nations should have something other than implied Monarchies to lead them. People can know manufacture firearms and uniforms en mass but most still haven't considered being led by anything else but a King?

If you are willing to listen and have a minor back story written out by somebody (I'm a decent writer) it can make a lot more sense. Besides remember in the base game with the pretender quests? you can always bring Monarchs back if you want.

Edited by: Nurdbot

Mar 27 2013 Anchor

it's not just up to me. so if others agree then I don't mind they turn into a republic. but about the pretender quests, maybe switch it.
maybe allow the player to start a revolution and re-build the rhodok freedom? sounds like much more fun then fighting for a monarch.

Mar 27 2013 Anchor

I really don't think the players will have much of an issue about the factions not all being led by Kings at all, and yeah when you think about it you can be a jerk and return the GLORIOUS KING to power if you don't like this fancy pants Republic.

Which being fictional and semi-fantasy, this mod will essentially be Napoleonic/Revolutionary War Warband. Besides, we already got Revolutionary bandits roaming around ;).

Mar 27 2013 Anchor

lol, true.
damned peasants allways messing with their superiours!

Mar 27 2013 Anchor

Statedom Of Rhodok?

Edited by: Nurdbot

Mar 29 2013 Anchor

How about making the Rhodoks represent the Duchy of Warsaw by just the army of course ? I like Czapkas ! plus we already have Czapkas and good uniforms available from NW

EDIT make them The Duchy of the Rhodoks

Mar 29 2013 Anchor

Sasodaho, IF we use anything from NW, then we have to force a cd-key check for this.
The point was to make this mod on warband, not on NW or a combo of that. So I must disappoint you that no NW items can be used.
Same counts for WFAS...

Mar 29 2013 Anchor

oh sorry to hear that good luck then ! and all the best

Mar 29 2013 Anchor

We're looking into giving Czapkas to Swadian Elite and maybe some Swadian Light Mercenaries though!

Mar 29 2013 Anchor

an army specialized with czapkas is better IMO

Apr 9 2013 Anchor

Give the Rhodoks either mules or pony's to ride because that's what you use in the mountains and for infantry could you add a different skin like a French Volgituer and chasseur and maybe a different name such as the Rhodok Kingdom because are regard them as a minor faction.
Hey you could add smaller monarchs that the player could help of conquer and have a more time consuming game but, with more countries to fight and more battles.

Apr 9 2013 Anchor

Someone wrote: Hey you could add smaller monarchs that the player could help of conquer and have a more time consuming game but, with more countries to fight and more battles.

if by this you mean more fiefs and more places to conquer then yes it would make the game last longer, just adding more monarchs without adding more fiefs would not make it last any longer. And small monarchs would get conquered very fast by the bigger states. If you want to assist a monarch into conquering everything then you could check out the claiments, this is a Native m&b thingy so it's still in this mod to.

Someone wrote: Give the Rhodoks either mules or pony's to ride because that's what you use in the mountains

IRL yes, you would. in m&b however they will use this as war-horse.

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