Welcome to Calradia, the year is 1717, and the smell of sulfur hangs in the air. Musket fire and cannonades echo across the land as Calradia is once again beset by war. Our story begins in the declining Calradian Empire of the 18th century, it's borders bombarded ceaselessly by countless enemies that surround them. Fight with daring riflemen, dashing Hussars or battle hardened grenadiers under your command as you serve the modern nations of Calradia or begin your journey as the Emperor or Emperoress in this land of chaos.

Forum Thread
Khergit Khanate (Games : Mount & Blade: Warband : Mods : Calradia: Imperial Age - Dragoon Edition : Forum : Factions : Khergit Khanate) Locked
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Mar 19 2013 Anchor

The khergit Khanate has and allways will be horsemen, most of their troops ride a horse and their lower class infantry still needs to learn how to fight on foot. They have access to infantry muskets but not rifles, who needs rifles when half your army is cavalry?

Edited by: shorun

Mar 22 2013 Anchor

what about making the Khergit look like the Japs from the fall of the Samurai era ? making them look like something like that



or you can simply keep them like that but with access to Carbines and Pistols

Mar 22 2013 Anchor

both are possible within a proper timeframe, but about the carbines i fought a battle yesterday against the khergits and my vaegir dragoons kind of got creamed by their horse archers, if not for the infantry line it would have been disaster.

giving them carbines and pistols would actually make them weaker, and the reason why rl forces used guns not horse archers is the simple fact that it is very hard to train horse archers.

None the less, if people support this idea then it will be so and it's a good idea.
And a japanse style warrior with a gun, it does speak to the imagination does it not? :)

Mar 22 2013 Anchor

However I still support the idea of keeping the Khergit old fashioned medieval alike making their land look like the land of the tribes where fearsome warriors are or we can make them something modern like the pic I showed you up however that would mean changing the story , it all began when the Khergit and the Swadians realized that they had a common enemy the Sarranids , the Vaegirs were terrefied of the Sarranids would occupy their lands if the Sarranids defeat the the Khergits so they made an alliance with the Khergit and eventually both sides began arming and training them, the Sarranids got their help from the Rhodoks the Rhodoks saw the Sarranids as tool and as an ally rather than a threat, while the Nords were being indifferent. sounds crazy heh :D however if we keep the Khergit same as you did and if we want another far eastern faction then what about adding a far eastern modern 19th century Japanese culture faction to the east of the Khergits ?

Mar 22 2013 Anchor

I dislike the idea of the khergits needing help of the other nations, it presents them as weak. it would also force certain faction policy's that would make the game something other then m&b, my main dislike on wfas is the storyline that kind of sets the tale for the player, i'd like the player to set the storyline and get another one each time he plays the game.
so each faction should remain fully independent.

On overhaul to Japanese/Asian style, i'd like to hear more opinions first.
it's a good idea but lets hear everyone on this first.

Mar 23 2013 Anchor

Actually the mod now needs fixing and once it is reliable you can then think about adding stuff. IMO

Mar 23 2013 Anchor

it does need fixing first, it cannot hurt to know what people want before it is finished so we can get to it straight away.

Mar 24 2013 Anchor

i would prefer khergits as mongolians who made it to the age of firearms, but still, they use them in old fashion way - mixed with shortbows on horseback. you can imagine them like indians in 18 century, but actually with mongolians culture. I would love to see them wearing handmade clothes and light armors - nothing like modern army uniform. And they will pillage and use everything they find against their enemy. so officers and high stationed soliders will wear dirty enemy uniforms and hats, as they taken them from their victims :D Just an idea how to make them a little more modern, but still a horse riding horde.

Mar 24 2013 Anchor

it would make sense if they used both horse arches and carbines, the elite would be proud to be mongols and would use bows because of the status and history, while regular troops who are not well trained would see more sense in carbines. Of course still a horse riding horde it's khergits after all.
but when it comes to looting enemy uniforms I have to disagree, it just does not make sense to drop your nice armour for a ragged and torn piece of clothing that's mostly not even fit for the steppes. And every high ranked officer is more concerned with rebellion in his own ranks then outsiders. they want to have something that is good against khergits, in a battle against eg: vaegirs the officers don't matter much in actual combat. it's the troops.

Mar 24 2013 Anchor

I like the idea of the regulars carrying carbines

Mar 24 2013 Anchor

I dont mind khergits in khergit armor, it was just idea taken from movies when indians and others "natives" take enemy armor/clothing for themselves as their loot to show how powerfull foe they killed. but native armors can do . I also like regulars with carbines / pistols and elites with traditional style.

Mar 24 2013 Anchor

well looting stuff from their enemy's to show how powerfull foe they killed...

Sounds much like steppe bandits does it not? :)

Mar 25 2013 Anchor

yeah but not all of them of course

Mar 25 2013 Anchor

well if you add 7 types of body armor to 1 unit then the game will randomly select one of these to be used.

So if half are standard gear and the other half looted then half of the troops would be using looted gear.

Mar 25 2013 Anchor

I think the Khergit Army should be split up into a small Professional Elite Force dressed like Tokugawa Fall Of The Samurai types with the line, with a lot of mobile meatshield irregulars dressed in a more old school Khergit Furs and Leather sort of look.

Mar 25 2013 Anchor

I actually cant decide if I like it or hate it :flame:
Something tells me Khergits should be Khergits, something else tells me they could use more modern troops, they just need it for balance sake's.
my army's just rushed over them like they are peasants...

Mar 25 2013 Anchor

Strange they mostly kick my ass :D

Mar 25 2013 Anchor

Let's keep the Khergits the way they are (technology wise), they are still fairly strong, but if you really want them to be more balanced, simply make their bows almost as good as a musket and give them heavier armor. :)

Also I think making the Khergits more asian would be totaly misunderstanding who they are supposed to be, perhaps in the mod's future a Shogunate themed faction in some unused territory might be added, though don't get your hopes up. ;)

Edited by: Archie_Duke

Mar 27 2013 Anchor

Name change suggestions for Khergits:

I uh, actuallly have nothing on that. Anyone who knows/inspired by the Mongols and Chinese want to suggest some?

Mar 27 2013 Anchor

Khergit is great, i love playing them, good fun shooting arrows against muskets. i say nerf them a bit in bow accurate maybe to compensate the musket factions.
or maybe balance them a bit to make it more lore-friendly

Mar 27 2013 Anchor

Someone wrote: Khergit is great, i love playing them, good fun shooting arrows against muskets. i say nerf them a bit in bow accurate maybe to compensate the musket factions.
or maybe balance them a bit to make it more lore-friendly

Keep them Khergit but give them some better defensive units. in the field they can do a lot of damage but in sieges they lack firepower.

Apr 30 2013 Anchor

Iam trying to get some models with meshes and textures for our mod. They are from medieval japan era and i can experiment with khergit faction to make use of them.

Its my personal project, if i got the rights, i will try to redone khergit faction as japanese and post it as add-on, so anyone can choose if they want classic khergits or japanized ones. If it have success, i would gladly add it to the base code of our mod, to bring brand new origina faction with differend battle tactics to our mod instead of khergits.

But it will take a lot of time (if i have the permission to use models etc...) or it could not be done for now.

Apr 30 2013 Anchor

WhiteEarl wrote: Iam trying to get some models with meshes and textures for our mod. They are from medieval japan era and i can experiment with khergit faction to make use of them.

Its my personal project, if i got the rights, i will try to redone khergit faction as japanese and post it as add-on, so anyone can choose if they want classic khergits or japanized ones. If it have success, i would gladly add it to the base code of our mod, to bring brand new origina faction with differend battle tactics to our mod instead of khergits.

But it will take a lot of time (if i have the permission to use models etc...) or it could not be done for now.

And Excellent Idea.. You think the buildings can remake as well.??

Apr 30 2013 Anchor

I asked for city/castle models textures and meshes too, if i have the permission than i can try to use them. But i really dont know how to edit the scenes so i will need to learn in time.

Apr 30 2013 Anchor

I see.. Well good luck.!

A question.. you asked who.? the original developers of MB or a friend..? sorry my ignorance i don't know anything about mod's.!

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