Welcome to Calradia, the year is 1717, and the smell of sulfur hangs in the air. Musket fire and cannonades echo across the land as Calradia is once again beset by war. Our story begins in the declining Calradian Empire of the 18th century, it's borders bombarded ceaselessly by countless enemies that surround them. Fight with daring riflemen, dashing Hussars or battle hardened grenadiers under your command as you serve the modern nations of Calradia or begin your journey as the Emperor or Emperoress in this land of chaos.

Forum Thread
game start in praven bugged. (missing textures)(solved 1.3.1) (Games : Mount & Blade: Warband : Mods : Calradia: Imperial Age - Dragoon Edition : Forum : Minor bugs (none game breaking) : game start in praven bugged. (missing textures)(solved 1.3.1)) Locked
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Mar 20 2013 Anchor

There seem to be missing textures when you start the game in praven, this only shows when the first bandit attacks you just before the merchant talks to you.
After this praven works just fine. you can also complete the quest without issues.

Confirmed - shorun.

This option has been changed to " ."
You have to look very well and still see it, it's still bugged.
I did it this way because I could not solve the bug myself, and this is the closes to removing it without completely deleting the option. If we every find a way to fix this, we can. Not solved, but also not a big deal anymore.

Edited by: shorun

Apr 30 2013 Anchor

i had this problem when i had another mod but it went away, but now when i use Mount and Empire Era mod, the town of Balanli is missing all its textures and you see ships in the distance half way in the ground or just floating in the air. It did the same in the other mod i had but it doesn't in the vanilla version of the game. By any chance do you have a solution for this and did you change any town's or any other location?

Apr 30 2013 Anchor

Its some problem with the scenes, i dont understand it, but shorun is working on it.

May 1 2013 Anchor

HighKingHawke wrote: i had this problem when i had another mod but it went away, but now when i use Mount and Empire Era mod, the town of Balanli is missing all its textures and you see ships in the distance half way in the ground or just floating in the air. It did the same in the other mod i had but it doesn't in the vanilla version of the game. By any chance do you have a solution for this and did you change any town's or any other location?

also bugged in balanli? k i'll check it out.
it got mixed up when using scenes, in sceneObj you got the actual towns used and if this does not match what the module system states then you end up with bugged scenes.

May 8 2013 Anchor

i have a problem that there are no buildings in towns or villages and i can't finish the kidnapper's quest because the merchant's brother is nowhere to be seen.

May 8 2013 Anchor

ludy wrote: i have a problem that there are no buildings in towns or villages and i can't finish the kidnapper's quest because the merchant's brother is nowhere to be seen.

And where do you have this issue?

May 8 2013 Anchor

In every town/castle/village. When i downloaded the .rar file it said that something (don't remember what) finished too early or something like that. So now i'm downloading the .rar again

downloaded again and now it's working. Great mod! :)

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