I have assembled quite a huge roster of DC-universe and Marvel-universe characters, songs and stages. In this version, you will need to win two fights to win a fight. New Characters: Added characters, from the original 252 characters in the game (present in Superheroes 2000 V4.3, the mod of wich i modified before replacing the screenpack with my own and adding everything from scratch- to not irritate that mods creator), to 304 characters in the game, and 413 characters in the char-folder. I have not only added characters, but also replaced some characters with other better versions of these characters- or with completely new ones. The best characters are already in-game, and the lesser characters are not. New Stages: Added stages, from the original 92 stages, to 112 stages in this new version. New music: Added music from the original 92 songs, to like 108 songs or something like that.


I've updated the mod with a couple of new characters, and i've replaced a few older characters with upgraded versions of the same characters or new ones. It's not as big an update as previous years but at least the mod has the most recent great quality characters.

Mr_Nygren's Marvel VS DC-Universe MUGEN V. 5.0 NEW (2020) - re-upload -EASY mode
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Mr_Nygren's Marvel VS DC-Universe MUGEN V. 5.0 NEW (2020) - re-upload -EASY mode has not been tagged yet.