A little Gameplay of Scorpion.
what do you think?
animation by Halzoid
we still have alot of work to do. Im sorry for the long wait but i will upload a couple characters for downoad soon :)
Iv been working on the characters first before starting this project only thing im not really good at Normal maps.
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haha i dont think the mod will ever come out
it will trust big news coming
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han pasado 3 aƱos pero aun no subes nada ,podrias dejar algun link para por lo menos porbar los personajes
So Sorry for the wait the mod is still alive just going thru things but it will come very soon.
Any news?
heeey porfavor un link de descargar el mod esta buenisimo pero la verdad aun no has dejado nada para descargar es como si solo nos ilusionaste con este buen mod porfavor deja un link de descarga
So Sorry for the wait the mod is still alive just going thru things but it will come very soon.