Hi! Welcome to Monica's Minimods. Here I will release every few weeks a small mod, all independent of eachother. They will usually be very short mods, or possibly small addons to regular CB. NyQ5QXxUjT Our Discord!

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Monica's Minimods


Progress has started, the first minimod is going to be "914less"
Basically, it will be SCP:CB, but without 914, and it has a whole bunch of puzzles!

Hopefully it won't take too long in development, it likely won't, as it's just a minimod.


SCP   Containment Breach

SCPdevmaker - - 56 comments

just why i got banned from your mini mods discord server

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kv_2 - - 87 comments

good luck making this sounds like a orginal and creative idea

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MonicaCB Creator
MonicaCB - - 1 comments

Please join our discord for leaks, etc! Discord.gg

Reply Good karma+1 vote
SCPdevmaker - - 56 comments

why you banned me
just why
just why you banned me from your mini mods discord server
i did not do anything bad to your mini mods discord server
i like to know why banned me
pls say anything

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
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