It begins the mod with scripted scenes, which will make it necessary to recall Half-life and it will certainly cause only positive emotions :) game itself begins similarly mod to Breakdown 2: Afterwards – soldiers locked us in the room, from which we will not slow down to make foot. Theres something that may remind you of mods like The Ropes – not only much you run and you shoot, but sometimes it is necessary to carry out small tasks...

RSS Reviews

badsniper365 says

Agree Disagree (1)

Very good though I do not know why the security guards attack you


phipe says

Agree Disagree

Right off the bat you know it wasn't long after creating the first "Mission
Impracriacrificadelli-Whatever" before the creator decided to continue the story/thing/turns of events which led to your character being taken and put in a locked room.

The map design has improved a few notches, and there are now chargers on the walls, sufficently spread through the whole mod and making it a more fair challenge with health and power. Unfortunetly stupidities from the predeseccor remains here: enemies see through the wooden doors once again, A scientist needed to unlock a door refuses to go with you, forcing you to noclip. The usage of the enviroment that I liked in the first one has gone of the hook with some absurd ways of progressing through the mod.
The mod is short and not worth your time. It ends with you dying, falling to your death. From all of the beginning with putting on a sweater in Mission impacticetilities number one to "The End" in this one, I've simply wasted time. Avoid this mod, and avoid the predecessor too.


staffssuckshit says


kingleothe3rd says