This mod restores all PS2 beta executions for the PC version and adds some new ones. There are multiple different versions of the levels, with different weapons to choose from.

RSS Reviews

fotm says

Agree Disagree

JhonGamer636 says

Agree Disagree

nice mod but dont have a link?


Wolfinston says

Agree Disagree

This is amazing, in conjuction with the "60 fps" patch that you can find in, Manhunt 2 it's finally the version it should have been when released.

Thanks to users like Megahoff that create incredible mods for "obscure" or rare games, this games preservation, and longetivity it's secured.

As dark and violent the game is, this mod manages to make it even more violent and denser, plus some of the executions of the game finally make sense.

The "Gruesome" execution for the plastic bag is a perfect example of this.

Others that were already brutal, are even more violent thanks to the added effects, the only reason as to why I don't rate it a 10 it's simply because i've encountered a couple of frequent bugs regarding some of the "aerial executions".

Sometimes either the executions won't play, and you'll just hear the sound effects, or alternatively you'll see your character performing the execution but with the enemy npc set aside standing still.

Most of the time it works tho, and this is an essential mod for people that are actually interested in getting the experience that we were supposed to get originally.


Thelolman18 says


Extremex000 says