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Rapine Entertainment is the worlds largest producer and distributer of illegal underground film. It's catalogue attracts global interest, and includes group beatings, snuff, executions and harakiri among others. In 2007 a new franchise will be released, in which perfectly average citizens are thrown into desperate situations, the outcome of which will determine their right to exist. The title of this new franchise, is Lynch. Lynch is a first person, survival horror mod built for ID software's Doom 3 engine. Inspired greatly by games such as Manhunt, Theif, Condemned: Criminal Origins and films in the vein of Irreversible and Man Bites Dog, the mod throws the player into a desperate situation in which they must fight and/or think to survive. Violence is not the only answer here, nor is it entirely necassary, but you will be frequently forced into asking questions regarding morality, and how it effects the primal instinct for survival. Features : Episodic Content - Lynch is a franchise...

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doom3 questions (Games : Doom III : Mods : Lynch : Forum : General Discussion : doom3 questions) Locked
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May 20 2007 Anchor

I'm not sure if this has been covered before. This query may have very well been previously posed by myself at some point in the past. Regardless, I am curious: I know that using Doom3 as a base offers a lot of advantages, mainly because graphically it is still holding its own these many years later and also because it is incredibly moddable. The only drawback is that the community is itty bitty now, but that is a pretty huge drawback indeed.

Are you confident that people will give Doom3 another try for Lynch?

I'd love to see the mod community take more looks at Doom3, and Quake4 for that matter, but then I don't actually expect that to happen. Hopefully ID's next game will really hit it out of the park with reviewers so that the player base doesn't desert the game after only a few months, that is the only way the mainstream mod community will give the game a chance.

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