Hello, welcome to JK3 Files! Yes, this pages mission is about returning mods that have been lost because of the fall of jediknight3.filefront.com/. Now I wish I could bring them all back but unfortunately it is only the files that I had downloaded when the site was still up. So yeah, basically I have had tons of JK3 mods on my computer that are no longer available on the internet so I thought that it would only be fitting to upload them here so the JK3 Mod community can enjoy them once again! =D

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JK3 Files All found!!! Mrwonko Backups!

JK3 Files All found!!! Mrwonko Backups!

News 4 comments

Hey guys I just found out that all the files from jediknight3.filefront.com/ were backup by mrwonko! That being said you can download what ever files...

JK3 Files: Return of the Lost - Console Spawn!

JK3 Files: Return of the Lost - Console Spawn!


Hello, welcome to JK3 Files! Yes, this pages mission is about returning mods that have been lost because of the fall of jediknight3.filefront.com/. Now...