Iron Patriot " We aren't terrorists... we're patriots. " Iron Patriot's story takes place in the USA, at the beginning of 2008. A group of unknown terrorists and self proclaimed patriots have been plotting to "return the power to the people of the United States of America" by force for five years now. In the next few days, they will carry this plan out. You, Lucas Clarkson, are a high ranking member of this terrorist group and play a key role in bringing down the current US government in order to start a new direction for your country. Loss of civilian life is acceptable in your groups eyes: The End Justifies the Means.

RSS News
Small update.

Small update.


Sorry we've been so inactive the last few weeks, we just haven't had anything to show you. So here's a little update.

Casting Call

Casting Call


Want to put your sexy and mysterious voice to use in Iron Patriot? Take a look inside.

After numerous exams and setbacks,

After numerous exams and setbacks,

News 1 comment

Back, with a vengance! We're still working on Iron Patriot and should have some screens to show soonish.

Not dead!

Not dead!


Iron Patriot long overdue update- Answers, updates and bios.

Demo Plans


Hey, I should have an ingame map screenshot up tonight, maybe tommorow, so I'll finally have something to show. Also, I plan to have a short demo...

Iron Patriot

News 1 comment

Heya, welcome to the Iron Patriot ModDB site. For those that don't know, this mod centres around a US terrorist group that want to see a drastic...