Atlernative history of the Cold war for HoI4. USSR is winning the Cold war.Many things happened differently in this alternate world. It this mod you can start in 4 different times.In 1980, 1989,1998 and after year 2000 (this option is not yet complete).Will you, together with the Soviets, experience the victory of socialism and democratization of socialist regimes?Will you try to save Western values together with the US?Will you participate in peace negotiations in the Middle East or you you choose path to another Middle East war?Will you lead the world to bright tomorrows or start the nuclear apocalypse?

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Countries of the International I

Countries of the International I

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Soviet Union. Eastern and Central Europe in 1980s.

Countries of the International II.

Countries of the International II.


France and Italy have very similar modern history.In both countries, the local Communist Party came to power in 1946. Both countries belong to the European...