Original Steam Guide: Steamcommunity.com
Expect most/all edits and chronicling of said edits to be there.


It's exactly what it sounds like. Just a combination of mods so you don't have to do it yourself. And how would you do it yourself? I honestly don't feel like detailing that right now, but I might in the future.


Backup your dis1_st.exe & SUBDATA.DAT files before installation, especially if they've been altered in any way.

The download's setup to be as easy as possible to install. Just enter the installation folder and drop its Disgaea PC folder's contents into your game directory (e.g.: C:\x\Steam\steamapps\common\Disgaea PC). The other two folders--DulceDeClown's [MOD] Disgaea PC HD Sprites & Netherworld Content Pack (v1.2.10-Easy)--can be completely disregarded unless you're interesting in extra info and screenshots.


VirusTotal: 0/59


Unless they pertain to my combination process, send 'em to the respective mod/tool creators or hope somebody else spots your question in the comments below. 🤷🏿‍♂️

combined preview

Mod Index (WIP)

Krisan Thyme's Disgaea PC: Mod Index (WIP) post is very helpful, but it hasn't been updated since Feb 1, 2019. Below are the things I personally use from it with updated links. Pretty Prinny is the only one I generally recommend for this Guide, but Unofficial Disgaea Tools [UDT] will be needed if you wanna make changes or replicate this.

(from Pretty Prinny guide)

DulceDeClown's HD sprites vs Dexter's

This chart is based on comments in the thread and my own experience.
Want to read details on Dexter's? Scroll through pages 5-6, but be aware that most of their links are dead.

comparison chart
(from Steam Guide)

(from Dexter's comments)

sprites that should be others

If you're curious to see the originals, see this Disgaea: Hour of Darkness page for something close enough.

screenshot of chart
(from Steam Guide)

sprites that i switched back

I'mma be real with y'all. I'm not about dat fanservice with D5 Armor Knight's sprites. The game has 4 angles to view the map from. She's one of the very few units I've noticed to have two idle views. Both being the same shot of her ass. 😐 I'm not 'bout it. Y'all might be fine with it, but I'm not. So it's been removed from this combined mod. 🤷🏿‍♂️ Deal with it.

But why isn't the BRAWLER_FEMALE replaced with the original, you ask? Well, da boobs don't jiggle and the cleavage is barely there.
In comparison, the Zombie has a booty too, but it's only visible from two angles. They knew what they were doing.

screenshot of chart: WARRIOR_FEMALE
(from Steam Guide)

Netherworld Content Pack

The Netherworld Content Pack has 10 extra sprite (.SH) files that needed to be imported to the HD sprites' ANM00.DAT file. They're Index #'s 00216-00225 (just click the Index column in the Disa PC File Manager to sort them). All 10 were imported one at a time in original order with their respective file name's four digits as the ID when prompted.
The labor's already been done in this combined mod, so this section is purely informative.
Consider this an Asagi crash fix, btw.

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HD Sprites & Netherworld Content Pack v1.0

HD Sprites & Netherworld Content Pack v1.0

Full Version

It's exactly what it sounds like. Just a combination of mods so you don't have to do it yourself. And how would you do it yourself? I honestly don't feel...

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mr.dream - - 1 comments

Wtf are some of these sprite changes. Why did you replace the Male Brawler with the Bouncer class, and not, you know, the Martial Artist class? Why is Female Warrior replaced with Armor Knight instead of Valkyrie? And this mod also replaces Majin with Heavy Knight and EDF Soldier with Android.... why? It also uses the Disgaea 2-4 design for Etna instead of her original Disgaea 1 design, and the Disgaea 4 Archangel Flonne design instead of her original Angel Trainee design....

This mod was clearly made after Disgaea 1 Complete released, seeing as it has the correct sprites for Disgaea 1-exclusive monster classes like Faerie and Nosferatu. So why not take all of the sprites from that version? Why make these baffling changes?

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