Return and relive the Black Mesa incident through the eyes of Sgt. Jordan Foster, a Security Guard battling for survival through the Xen invasion in search of Dr Cross. Find Dr Cross, protect her at all cost, and maybe you'll just have a chance to get out of this whole mess alive. Half-Life: Crossfire was a passion project I started during early 2020 when lockdown restrictions first hit the UK. What started as a simple exploration of the Spirit of Half-Life toolset has now turned into a full mod/obsession being developed on the XashXT Engine.

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November 2022 update, status of the mod, level design, new enemies and more.

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Hi All

It's been a fair while since I've updated on here regarding the status of the mod so it's time for a mini update...


First and foremost, Crossfire is by no means dead in the water, it's very much alive and well and still moving forward, if somewhat more slowly than I'd have hoped by now. Unfortunately real life has to take priority and between a new job, family life and a number of other commitments, the mod has unfortunately had to take somewhat of a back seat of late, with me working on it as of when I get a spare hour here and there.


I hadn't originally planned on adding additional monsters/allies into the mix other than through what XashXT/Spirit is able to manipulate. However after having a play around with some (very rough!) coding I've now added a number of new monsters in addition to some variations of existing ones into the mod. The HECU in particular now have a more varied arsenal to offer up more of a challenge to the player, as well as old favourites such as the Panthereye now making an appearance plus a number of other additions I won't spoil just yet...



Additional art passes on older maps have now been completed and I'm much happier with the way things are looking. I'm somewhat jumping between sections at present as ideas come to me but my main focus is still on completing the Powerstation section of the campaign. I've also been working on a high speed chase that takes place later in the mod that is proving to be an absolutely entity nightmare but fully worth it for the results so far!

November Updates

November Updates

CF2A1 2

November Updates


We plod on! I'm continuing to dedicate time as and when I can and I'm determined that the mod will eventually see the light of day and be fully worth the wait. The first 1/3 of the mod is nearing completion so I may begin to play test this over the coming months. If you're interested, keep an eye out on the forums over on TWHL as I'll be posting there when the time is right.

All the best


Post comment Comments
Mr.Maris - - 314 comments

It's okay that you live your life and enjoy fashion not as much time as you would like, the main thing is to just go straight ahead and, albeit in small steps, go towards 100% completion of fashion.

Thanks for making the mod, we will wait as long as necessary.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
fresco - - 149 comments

This looks really great.
Thank you and of course your real life has priority.

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Qwertyus - - 2,620 comments

Nice updates!

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FlippedOutKyrii - - 3,597 comments

Can't wait to put a couple shotgun shells into that Panther's big ol' eye ;)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Aynekko - - 702 comments

Looks really good. I'm looking forward to play! ^^

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JjForcebreaker - - 956 comments

Hype! The environments looks very promising.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
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