With permision of Kamiluk i made a semiprofesional english translation of his amazing mod.Thanks and congrats. Enhanced Edition+ v1.0.1 This is a sub-mod for Gothic I based on the "Extended Edition" by Oultander. Now, while maintaining the current atmosphere of the game, the Penal Colony area is even richer and also allows you to feel the specifics of being a member of a given guild.

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Gothic Edycja Rozszerzona+ 1.0.4-English Version

Gothic Edycja Rozszerzona+ 1.0.4-English Version


Enhanced Edition+ v1.0.1 This is a sub-mod for Gothic I based on the "Extended Edition" by Oultander. Now, while maintaining the current atmosphere of...

Tharr - - 377 comments

Your translation is very confusing. You have in description v1.0.1 in the mod ini file v1.0.2 and on the download file is 1.0.4.
But the Polish one is 1.0.3, so which is it?

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Nihilusus Creator
Nihilusus - - 73 comments

Hello.I translated presentation of original mod.Strange ,they write 1.0.1 after that in title 1.0.3.Maybe a little mistake. This is my version,English,1.0.4,whatever...Good luck.

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Tharr - - 377 comments


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