In this short Amnesia mod you will be kidnapped and forced to play disgusting survival game with an crazy houseowner. Some puzzles, although simple in nature, can confuse the head. Your reward after successfully playing the game will be the desired freedom. Levels: George505CZ, Scripts: George505CZ, Don Pedro, Editing of texts and translation to English: Swankest CZ

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 17)





I don't understand why the mod has such a high rating.But in my opinion, the mod is absolutely not interesting.


Quite challenging.

Really bad. Utterly troll custom story.

A very basic an little detailed escape room custom story. Clipping textures everywhere such as books, walls, floor, etc.... I Had to cheat in order to continue the game twice because of script failure. Very boring and obviously no care into making this mod at all. Flicker lights for fires and white blinding lights for most rooms and pitch black areas. You get tinderboxes often but nothing to use them on.

Puzzle spoiler!

On the switch puzzle in the second map it didn't work. As for the pig one in the 3rd/last map the blood didn't go into the glass jar like it should have.

Potentially good. Sadly to say that there are bunch of bs reviews were written here.

Keep going Swankest and don't listen them.