"For King or Country" is a mod for Medieval 2: Total War that depicts the English civil wars. There are two factions: the Parliamentarians and the Royalists. The map is detailed and accurate for the time period. There are twelve historical commanders fighting on each side, and all of them have custom portraits and traits. Both sides have a range of units from Musketeers to pikemen, dragoons to harqebusier cavalry. Each faction also has 6 unique recruitable regiments of foot. Each regiment has it's own banner, coat colour and commander. The purpose of the mod is to simulate the first English civil war. The main aim is to accurately represent the two main factions, their leaders, their commanders and their armies. The mod aims to provide a unique battlefield experience by representing 17th century warfare, something that no M2:TW mod team has so far achieved.

RSS Files
Passive Campaign AI Hotfix

Passive Campaign AI Hotfix


The passive nature of the campaign AI has been fixed.

For King or Country 1.15 Patch

For King or Country 1.15 Patch


Patch 1.15 fixes the campaign AI and a few other small issues. Note that 1.1 needs to be installed first.

For King or Country 1.1 Patch

For King or Country 1.1 Patch


Due to bugs in 1.0 AlphaDelta, has released a patch to fix most of them.

For King or Country 1.0

For King or Country 1.0

Full Version 17 comments

AlphaDelta has release v1.0 of For King or Country!