a one man mod that looks to bring new and old ideas into zero hour. a special focus is being put into the naval fighting with comeing with Skirmish maps dedicated to the such. the mods been in development for about 2 months now and i think iv made good progress. Plenty of new tech building will be added and added throught skirmish and generals challenge maps to bring a new edge to the battlefield like: Coastal Guns for bombarding enemy ships Large nuclear power plants that provide plenty of power, but will explode. . . violently. Radio Bunkers for calling in off the map Help like artillery, airstrike, and even paratroopers. a new game type will be added to skirmish that I bet most of you are familier with, conquest. The only resources on the map will be from capturing controll points. this will be fun with a mix of naval warfare and island hopping for resources. co-op is another feature that will be added later.

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