Five Elite Mercenaries are send to an Island in middle of the 1980'. The Task: Find and Eliminate a local Drug Baron. Features: new Physic, real Sunmovement, Day/Night Change, Hunger/Food system, realistic (!) Weather system, Light/Dark viewing system for AI, 5 different Fractions on the Island. Complete Realistic simulation of nearly all things, including Sleep. New weapons, new Vehicles. Vehicles driving system is now exact (!) like GTA IV , FireSystem,... this mod is Heavily inspired by GTA, IGI, FarCry.

Forum Thread
backpack attachable to players back and the consequences (Games : Far Cry : Mods : FarCry Operation Clearing : Forum : New Technical Ideas here 8) : backpack attachable to players back and the consequences) Locked
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pvcf Germany
Oct 24 2011 Anchor

the idea which came to night:

a collected backpack is attached visible to players back ( at least seeable in pick up animation, in third perspective view and in vehicles).

the idea:
what about to make it hit able? with consequences like that the
contra for player
backpack will be destroeyd if player is hit from behind, the player looses the additional backpack weaponslots and the weapons which are not held in hand but needed those additional slots are dropped ?
as pro for player
caused damaged by the on hit will be drastically lowered (backpack as one time back-protector )

however, this all is hard to code and i'm not sure if its worth the work ?

as all can see i have implemented the attachement code in generic pickups.... but unfortunately i dont get it load / saveproof . it seems that a very important command "writestring" is not working. (crash...). and without load / save ability the attached object is lost after loading a saved game.
and i cannot store a collected generic pickup as item because collecting means --> hide from game and there is no physically weapon which can be stored.
:( :( :(

full picture:

Nov 20 2011 Anchor

Isn`t this fixed already?

pvcf Germany
Nov 20 2011 Anchor

oh yeah, i have inserted 6 attachement slots to the player, full working and load / save proof. its basically a own second weaponslot system (but without showing them as slots and without the ID system, just plain slots).

currently also only the backpack have the consequence to add more weaponslots. i did not include AI code for clothing which player could wear later and also did not checked if ith backpack could have own OnDamage code.

Nov 20 2011 Anchor

If it`s a entity=yes

pvcf Germany
Nov 20 2011 Anchor

i'm not sure anymore after my tries with door - entity :(

also i'm not sure if i coole enough to find out which additional slots was added by which attached item ^^ i also already have a very rude player-hit punishement, which slow down the player additionally to the mass system if the player is ill. if you then always lost slots, it may a little bit frustrating to the player.

Nov 24 2011 Anchor

If people lose equipment getting shot in the back, they might get frustrated. Perhaps the backpack could be an optional extra, with the alternative being a Metal Gear Solid style riot shield worn on the back, protecting the player from shots coming from behind?


Is there any point in public debate in a
society where hardly anyone has been taught how to think, while
millions have been taught what to think?

-Peter Hitchens

pvcf Germany
Nov 24 2011 Anchor

welcome on board Ambient_Malice 8)
i agree, its to frustrating for the player and also for me the lua scripter ;) so definately no destroyable backpack and no slot losing ^^ !

regarding the backprotection:
i'm not sure if the backpack is really physically existing. (ok you see the shadow in first person view) but you must know that third person code is a different code, its not _localplayer ! the engine spawns a dummy!

and for my grab animations i teleport a dummy puppet with also get the attachements and clothes from player which dos scripted animations (but with interactive angles to keep the illusion).
so it may be that the backpack is not really physically existing, maybe i find it out by attaching it to the head or chest bone and look what will happen^^

Dec 7 2011 Anchor

What about assigning an "Search Back Pack Contents" button on the HUD display, with weapons already assigned "INSIDE" the back pack itself. So you pick up the back pack, then you have already assign weapons in their own assigned slots "INSIDE" the back pack ready to go. If player wants to swap current weapon for one in the back pack, all he/she needs to do is hit the button to open the backpack then chosse "swap" function to get new weapon. Current weapon goes back to it original slot, while backpack slot stays empty until you "swap" again.

I also agree that it would be very frustrating for player to constantly get shot in their 'back packs" :flame:, so to counter-act this, perhaps you could add a sensory perseptive view for the player to be able to "Sense" when he/she is in danger of falling, getting shot in the back, coming too close to a camp or enemy AI/mine/vehicle etc. Creating an instant blip on your motion tracker radar display.

That way at least the "newbies" have the fighting chance to survive long enough to use stealth capabilities and their own cunning later on, to achieve a more enjoyable gaming experience, perhaps eliminating the need for GOD MODE?. That should get more people playing your mod more than once I would think.....just a thought mate;)

Alternatively, you could give player the option to play you mod in GOD MODE from the start of game, similar to how THE SURVIVOR MOD did. That way it wouldn't matter if player was shot in their back pack or not!:D Meanwhile, the others that wish to play normally are also catered for, so everyone's happy. Either way more people will play the mod if you do this guaranteed.

Lastly, you might want to consider for a multiplayer extension to your mod, the automatic "TURNING OFF' of god mode function
"in-game" so that if the player "forgets" to do this or intentionally "doesn't do this" it gets done automatically reghardless, before they can connect to the servers. That way, it only disables ther in game god mode function only for as long as they play online, but when they come offline they still have that function enabled for their "Stay At Home" game. In other words.... they can only cheat in their own personal games at home, not online in MP!


Edited by: SkiPpyTheKanGaroo

pvcf Germany
Dec 12 2011 Anchor


thank you too for contributing to this discussion 8)
i'll split some questions/hints/ideas to new threads, to keep the discussion focused.

so to counter-act this, perhaps you could add a sensory perseptive view for the player to be able to "Sense" when he/she is in danger of falling, getting shot in the back, coming too close to a camp or enemy AI/mine/vehicle etc. Creating an instant blip on your motion tracker radar display.

i already deactivated the motiontracker at all and i also deactivated the radar point of detected / shooting enemies, because its a big cheat in my eyes. so this idea must be rebuffed.

so the result of this discussion:

nobody likes the idea of shootable backpack, (including me) and the coder (me...) dislikes the coding trouble he would have *g*

What about assigning an "Search Back Pack Contents" button on the HUD display, with weapons already assigned "INSIDE" the back pack itself. So you pick up the back pack, then you have already assign weapons in their own assigned slots "INSIDE" the back pack ready to go.

i'm not sure if i understand this correct. you suggest to assignes weapons in the backpack even if you did not have one?

Dec 13 2011 Anchor

Well, what I'm saying is, rather than having to run around getting shot to pieces collecting guns and ammo from the fallen enemies, perhaps you could have assigned slots INSIDE the back pack for extra weapons aside from what you can otherwise NORMALLY carry in - game. Ok, maybe if a fallen enemy is near you and let's say he/she has dropped a weapon you don't have, theoretically, you should be able to walk over the spot they lay and get the weapon straight into the backpack which then assign or [attatches - THAT particular weapn] to the first empty slot within the back pack. You could continue within the game like this until your back pack is full say up to 3-5 weapons so in total you could be carrying say anything from 1 up to 9 weapons totall in-game, or something like that.

OR, you could yes have the back pack "ALREADY PACKED" to capacity with weapons, perhaps some food and drink. You could even have a hydration system connected to the back pack as well so that the player can easily gain energy from the hydration system as and when needed. This would be handy when player is caught in long walks between mission objectives. It could mean the difference between getting shot trying to find a "FOOD/DRINK/ENERGY' station and being able to stay 'HIDDEN" while hydrating to achieve their next mission objective successfully.

pvcf Germany
Dec 14 2011 Anchor

ah okay, now i understand 8)
that would mean i would have to implement a third (yeah, second is already done with player attachement system) weaponslot system. this is extrem hard to realize.
currently is is like that: one time you have picked up a backpack, you get the additionally slots and you cannot loose then.
now the question is: is that good, or bad?

the already packed backpage is a intresting idea which would fit in a new mod based on opcl! in opcl itself it would kill the meaning of the slot and itemsystem: you have a goal, and its on your decision how you reach this. your decision is based on the items you have (or you can choose off), and your playing style.
for example:
a player who likes to be stealth/hidden and love to snipe, dont need to run fast and can carry a lot of things (and need a lot of things). now he can equick his slots with food, sniper riffle, mine bombs, camou flage clothes, tool kit.
in opposite a player who likes to run and rush needs to be fast: so a low weight equipement is important.

Dec 19 2011 Anchor

currently is is like that: one time you have picked up a backpack, you get the additionally slots and you cannot loose then.
now the question is: is that good, or bad?

Well, it'd be good if as you suggest, this were to be implemented... a player who likes to be stealth/hidden and love to snipe, dont need to run fast and can carry a lot of things (and need a lot of things). now he can equick his slots with food, sniper riffle, mine bombs, camou flage clothes, tool kit.

[in opposite a player who likes to run and rush needs to be fast: so a low weight equipement is important.]

So yeah, it gives player the choice to take the back pack pick up or not depending on the player's game play style. In that respect, I think it's a great idea.

One idea though could be if you could enable "side pockets" on the outside of the back pack you could put the food clothes etc in there and keep the weapons slots inside back pack "only" for the actual weapons - would that be workable alternative? Would that make it easier or harder?

Part of a side mission could be picking up sensitive materials like top secret files small explosives etc, things basically that you need to "pick up" and carry "in the short term" until you can complete the side mission at the designated drop off point where you "hand over" the files to another operative OR,
as per the small explosives: you find where to set the charges to complete the next part of your side mission before you're allowed to continue on.

That sort of thing..can this be done? What does everyone think?
[in opposite a player who likes to run and rush needs to be fast: so a low weight equipement is important.] .......

ok, I just thought of something else here...

What if the player was also given the choice to "remove" only what he needs/wants "from" the back pack "without" actually taking it with him/her? So, he/she gets the new weapon etc without carrying the weight of the back pack ...for example: say if the player wishes to do the "Rush in shoot 'em up" type play. This would be perfect for them.

For all other players who wish to use the "hidden stealth mode" style of play & don't mind taking their time to play or carrying the "extra weight" - they now can choose to take the fully loaded back pack with them. So in effect, both parties are now "satified" with their choice.

***And here's something else to think about....

You could even make it so that the "rush in shoot 'em up players" can return to "take" the back pack before they continue to the next part of their mission OR equally the "stealth players" could have the option to "ditch" the back pack, rush in Kill,kill,kill, then come back & "retrieve" their back pack before they continue.

It's all about presenting viable choices and creating an optimum experience for all players, that's what it boils down to. The more choice a player has the better able they are get what they need or "ditch" what they don't to complete their missions. In a realistic warfare game setting this is an invaluable thing to have.

What do you think - can it be achieved?


Edited by: SkiPpyTheKanGaroo

pvcf Germany
Dec 20 2011 Anchor

> What do you think - can it be achieved?

it is already like that! the backpack slots are simply added to the normal weapon slots. so, once you've collected a backpack, you now have for example 5 slots (you've started with 2). now you can carry 5 items. not more ^^ that means you have to think twice what you need, (depending on mission, on distance/range, playing style, enemies, and so on).

its already a standart feature of farcry that you can drop any weapon (except the last one, but i inserted this feature, in OPCL you can drop ALL things). so, you can carry heavy weight near to your missionspot, store there some needed things, prepare also traps for AI (that will be funny, i think ^^ Frog mines in bundle with jerry cans... --> b00000000000000m burn baby burnXD ).

but the intresting thing is, that dropped items can be destroeyd by weaponforce, so you also have to choose a save place.

Dec 21 2011 Anchor

its already a standart feature of farcry that you can drop any weapon (except the last one, but i inserted this feature, in OPCL you can drop ALL things). so, you can carry heavy weight near to your missionspot, store there some needed things, prepare also traps for AI (that will be funny, i think ^^ Frog mines in bundle with jerry cans... --> b00000000000000m burn baby burnXD ).

That sounds interesting! Explosions are always fun to watch in-game! :de:

but the intresting thing is, that dropped items can be destroeyd by weaponforce, so you also have to choose a save place.

You mean you can actually "blow up" the weapons you drop? That's pretty cool - I like it!


Edited by: SkiPpyTheKanGaroo

pvcf Germany
Dec 22 2011 Anchor

Skippy wrote: That sounds interesting! Explosions are always fun to watch in-game! :de:
but the intresting thing is, that dropped items can be destroeyd by weaponforce, so you also have to choose a save place.
You mean you can actually "blow up" the weapons you drop? That's pretty cool - I like it!

you can see pictures and movies of that explosions already in the operation clearing a technically demonstration thread 8)
and yes, all dropped items can be destroyed! only in the shop this is deactivated. but we will see if this is really a element which is important during gameplay.
currently its very important if you kill a enemy which drops his weapon. if you THAN shoot at that weapon ot throw a handgrenade on it, the weapon splattered in pieces and is broken XD

Nov 25 2012 Anchor


hey pvcf, I tried for like an hour to upload those mission talk files you wanted but didn't have any sucess. I tried 7zip & bandizip & also the regular looking manila folder zip files to put it on the modding portal pages for you but....nothing couldn't get them on there. I'd try to upload them on here instead but there doesn't seem to be a way for me to do this! Damn! Now I'm really dissappointed.:flame:

Edited by: SkiPpyTheKanGaroo

pvcf Germany
Nov 26 2012 Anchor

did u mean u have no webspace for uploading or did the uploadprocess was interrupted ?
if you have a FTP client i can give you acess to my own server where you can upload what ever you like XD

moddb allows only plain zip files, no 7z !

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