The First World War was over before America could even mobilize; the Central Powers have emerged victorious. England is consumed by civil unrest as King George V attempts to sue for peace. The newly formed Soviet Union struggles to contain Austrian Invasion as Japan expands further into Western Asia and The Pacific. All the while, American twidles it's thumbs as Pres. Wilson endeavour to keep a progressive America out of war. However, as Mexican Insurgents flood into U.S Territory, The Governor of Texas authorities the National Guard to push into Mexico and suppress the violence in the region. Wilson, furious, orders for The Governor's Removal. In defiance of the Pacifist Coward, Texas cedes from The Union. Germany, seeing an opportunity on the rise, sends political agents to America to stoke up the fire of resistance in the South, culminating in an armed March on Washington. Wilson commands a 2,000 man force to halt their advance. Thus The 2nd Civil War begins March 21st,1918.......

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Greetings and Salutations! I'm Alphonse, Head Developer of Fallen Glory and The Faction Conception Department responsible for seeing the creation of each faction and ensuring top quality units and skins.

This week we've got a little update to show you all, so without further ado, here it is.

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  • The United Socialist States of America; a communist resistance movement based in Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, and parts of Iowa and Missouri. These workers possess immense industrial capabilities, producing weapons and vehicles at an alarming rate, so much so that there were 5 rifles for every man in the movement. They fight a motorized guerilla war against the Capitalists, pushing forth their Bolshevik Ideology upon others through charismatic political speakers and manipulation of Labour Unions, turning peaceful protesters into vicious revolutionaries for the cause. Fighting with whatever they can afford to buy or produce, the Socialists fight using armed vehicles to quickly encircle and crush their foes in hit-and-run attacks, before speeding away from enemy retaliation. The large numbers of their fighters can be attributed to contracted mercenaries and press-gang victims provided by the de-facto Secret Police; La Cosa Nostra. The mafia keep order through violence and promotion of their businesses. People deal with abuse and change better when they have cheap booze, warm bodies in their beds, and good entertainment. The have many automatic weapons in their arsenal, but their soldiers' skills are lackluster at best and atrocious at worst. Mobility, tactical thinking, and use of elite saboteurs will be the key to the liberation of the working class from the Capitalist Pigs.
  • The Renault FT and Austin Armored Car have been added to the game.

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  • New Union G.Is courtesy of our Skinner, Tony
  • California and Texas Factions in development, pictures coming soon.

And with that we've reached the end of our update. Contact me if you want to help us on the project, and I wish you a marvelous day!




We regret to inform you our pervious post was accidentally deleted in an attempt to fix an error. Please forgive the misshap, as it is as much of a frustration...

Comments  (0 - 10 of 13)
szabopaci - - 40 comments


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BillyJackson - - 1 comments

Do you have any idea when the Texas faction will be completed

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lasee34 - - 29 comments

looks like a good game blyats

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sak123 - - 168 comments

How is the development of the mod going on?

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Guest - - 706,792 comments

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Rhaegrim - - 15 comments

Very cool concept.

It will be focused on multiplayer or more on singleplayer?

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Alphonse12 Creator
Alphonse12 - - 159 comments

Singleplsyer, but multi will be supported

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Alphonse12 Creator
Alphonse12 - - 159 comments

Mistakes were made: please be patient as we endeavor to repost the Faction Listing, and stay tuned in next week for updates!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
sunray1 - - 185 comments

Great idea!!!
There should be more alternate history, and 'what if' mods.
What if World War 2 didn't end in 1945, and the pace of weapons development increased significantly? And what if some major nations changed sides....
There are a whole lot of 'what if' scenarios that could be explored.

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Guest - - 706,792 comments

Real life scenario was worst for Allies with disasters of 1940 and 1941, germans used all their possible luck and skill, i think that any other WW2 scenario than real life would result only in allied flag on Reichstag in 1943\44. And then, maybe, war between communist/capitalist Allies since atomic bomb still not available at that time.

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