This was my second mod released to the public and is for EaW. The purpose of this mod is to enhance gameplay experience by adding more hardpoints to some units and altering abilities. It is an old mod from 2010 that only adjusts vanilla files, but does have an added V-19 torrent fighter as an addon. Everything in this mod is old, and outdated, and I'm simply rehosting my old mod for nostalgia's sake. It was originally on File Front before it went under, and I recently found it on Nexusmods, who were kind enough to save it. I've gone through the files, and nothing was altered from when I last zipped it for the_stag to review it before posting to File Front.

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Enhanced Space Battles Mod V1.5

Enhanced Space Battles Mod V1.5

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My old mod for vanilia Empire at War (NOT Forces of Corruption!) It was a mod that added hangers to stock units and enhanced both land and space battles...