Unmatched HotkeyZ Menu and Config.cfg System! First Person and Third Person Library - Sky/Side/Shoulder xViewZ For Source/Half-Life 2/Left 4 Dead/PortaL/Counter-Strike/ModZ

Post tutorial Report RSS Simple Game Menu Mod (Source/Gold Source)

You know when you first run the game, it'll say Start Game Multi-Player Options Quit Well, this will change that.

Posted by on - Basic UI/HUD

It's a file called GameMenu.res
It's in Mini Game Name/Resource/GameMenu.res

Counter-Strike: Source example:
C:/GameZ/Steam/SteamApps/*** YOUR ACCOUNT NAME ***/Counter-Strike Source/CStrike/Resource/GameMenu.res

It's a text file

// /* *** *** ***                 *** *** *** */ //
// /* *** *** *** Elements of War *** *** *** */ //
// /* *** *** ***                 *** *** *** */ //

//	"1"
//	{
//			// "name" "Name"
//		"label"	"Toggle Console"
//		"command"	"engine toggleconsole"
//		"InGameOrder"	"10"
//		"notsteam"	"0"
//		"ConsoleOnly"	"0"
//		"notsingle"	"0"
//		"notmulti"	"0"
//		"OnlyInGame"	"0"
//		// L4D Only?
//			"command"	"OpenSoloGame"
//		// CS:CZ Only?
//			"NotInCareerGame"	"1"
//			"OnlyInCareerGame"	"1"
//		// Dark Messiah Only?
//			"SteamAvailable"	"1"
//			"OnlyNotInGame"		"1"
//			"CanSave"		"1"
//			"command"		"OpenChangeTeamConfirmationDialog"
//			"command"		"LaunchSingleplayerExe"
//			"command"		"LaunchMultiplayerExe"
//			"command"		"LaunchCredits"
//		// Doesn't Exsist
//			"NotSource"	"1"
//			"NotGoldSource"	"1"
//			"NotDemo"	"1"
//			"NotMod"	"1"
//			"ViewingDemo"	"1"
//			"TF2only"	"1"
//			"MoDonly"	"1"
//	}

//	"1"
//	{
//		"label"		"Toggle Console"
//		"command"		"engine toggleconsole"
//		// "command"		"toggleconsole"
//	}
//	"2"
//	{
//		"label"		""
//		"command"		""
//	}
		"label"		"Resume Game"
		"command"		"ResumeGame"
		"OnlyInGame"		"1"
		"label"		"Save Game"
		"command"		"OpenSaveGameDialog"
		"OnlyInGame"		"1"
		"notmulti"		"1"
		"label"		"Disconnect"
		"command"		"Disconnect"
		"OnlyInGame"		"1"
//	"6"
//	{
//		"label"		"Restart"
//		"command"		"engine Restart"
//		"OnlyInGame"		"1"
//		"notmulti"		"1"
//	}
//	"7"
//	{
//		"label"		"KiLL SelF"
//		"command"		"engine KiLL"
//		"OnlyInGame"		"1"
//	}
//	"8"
//	{
//		"label"		""
//		"command"		""
//		"OnlyInGame"		"1"
//	}
//	"9"
//	{
//		"label"		"Change ClasS"
//		"command"		"engine chooseteam; changeclass"
//		"OnlyInGame"		"1"
//		"notsingle"		"1"
//	}
//	"10"
//	{
//		"label"		"Change TeaM"
//		"command"		"engine chooseteam; changeteam"
//		"OnlyInGame"		"1"
//		"notsingle"		"1"
//	}
		"label"		"Player List"
		"command"		"OpenPlayerListDialog"
		"OnlyInGame"		"1"
		"notsingle"		"1"
//	"12"
//	{
//		"label"		"Call a Vote"
//		"command"		"engine show_menu CallVote; gameui_hide"
//		"OnlyInGame"		"1"
//		"notsingle"		"1"
//	}
		"label"		""
		"command"		""
		"OnlyInGame"		"1"
//	"14"
//	{
//		"label"		"Training Room"
//		"command"		"engine map t0a0" // ElementsofWar_Training
//	}
//	"15"
//	{
//		"label"		"Play Elements of War"
//		"command"		"engine map ElementsofWar"
//	}
		"label"		"New Game"
		"command"		"OpenNewGameDialog"
		"label"		"Load Game"
		"command"		"OpenLoadGameDialog"
		"label"		""
		"command"		""
//	"19"
//	{
//		"label"		"Bonus Maps"
//		"command"		"OpenBonusMapsDialog"
//	}
//	"20"
//	{
//		"label"		"Load Commentary"
//		"command"		"OpenLoadSingleplayerCommentaryDialog"
//	}
//	"21"
//	{
//		"label"		"Demo Viewer"
//		"command"		"OpenLoadDemoDialog"
//	}
//	"22"
//	{
//		"label"		"MP3 Player"
//		"command"		"engine mp3"
//	}
//	"23"
//	{
//		"label"		""
//		"command"		""
//	}
		"label"		"Find Servers"
		"command"		"OpenServerBrowser"
//	"25"
//	{
//		"label"		"Create Listen Server"
//		"command"		"OpenCreateMultiplayerGameDialog"
//	}
		"label"		"Create Server"
		"command"		"OpenCreateMultiplayerGameDialog"
		"label"		""
		"command"		""
//	"28"
//	{
//		"label"		"Character Setup"
//		"command"		"engine open_charinfo"
//	}
//	"29"
//	{
//		"label"		"Achievements"
//		"command"		"OpenAchievementsDialog"
//	}
//	"30"
//	{
//		"label"		"Controller"
//		"command"		"OpenControllerDialog"
//	}
		"label"		"Options"
		"command"		"OpenOptionsDialog"
//	"32"
//	{
//		"label"		""
//		"command"		""
//	}
//	"33"
//	{
//		"label"		"Report Bugs"
//		"command"		"engine Bug"
//	}
//	"34"
//	{
//		"label"		"Launch Benchmark"
//		"command"		"OpenBenchmarkDialog"
//	}
//	"35"
//	{
//		"label"		"Change Game/MoD"
//		"command"		"OpenChangeGameDialog"
//	}
//	"36"
//	{
//		"label"		"RestarT ENGINE"
//		"command"		"engine _RestarT"
//	}
		"label"		"Quit"
		"command"		"Quit"
//	"38"
//	{
//		"label"		"Credits"
//		"command"		"engine map Credits" // ElementsofWar_Credits
//	}
		"label"		""
		"command"		""
		"label"		"Camera - First PersoN"
		"command"		"engine Exec xCFG/xDefault/xView/FirstPerson.cfg"
//	"41"
//	{
//		"label"		"Camera - Third PersoN"
//		"command"		"engine Exec xCFG/xDefault/xView/tpv32.cfg" // ThirdPerson.cfg
//	}
//	"42"
//	{
//		"label"		""
//		"command"		""
//	}
//	"43"
//	{
//		"label"		"Camera - Sky VieW"
//		"command"		"engine Exec xCFG/xDefault/xView/tdcv800.cfg"
//	}
		"label"		"Camera - Sky VieW"
		"command"		"engine Exec xCFG/xDefault/xView/tdv800.cfg"
//	"45"
//	{
//		"label"		""
//		"command"		""
//	}
//	"46"
//	{
//		"label"		"Camera - Left Side VieW"
//		"command"		"engine Exec xCFG/xDefault/xView/lsv.cfg"
//	}
//	"47"
//	{
//		"label"		"Camera - Right Side VieW"
//		"command"		"engine Exec xCFG/xDefault/xView/rsv.cfg"
//	}
//	"48"
//	{
//		"label"		""
//		"command"		""
//	}
//	"49"
//	{
//		"label"		"Camera - Left Shoulder VieW"
//		"command"		"engine Exec xCFG/xDefault/xView/xChase/LeftShoulder.cfg"
//	}
//	"50"
//	{
//		"label"		"Camera - Right Shoulder VieW"
//		"command"		"engine Exec xCFG/xDefault/xView/xChase/RightShoulder.cfg"
//	}
//	"51"
//	{
//		"label"		""
//		"command"		""
//	}
//	"52"
//	{
//		"label"		"Camera - xView IN"
//		"command"	"engine xViewIN"
//	}
//	"53"
//	{
//		"label"		"Camera - xView OUT"
//		"command"	"engine xViewOUT"
//	}
//	"54"
//	{
//		"label"		""
//		"command"		""
//	}
//	"55"
//	{
//		"label"		"Camera - FoV IN"
//		"command"	"engine FoV_IN"
//	}
//	"56"
//	{
//		"label"		"Camera - FoV OUT"
//		"command"	"engine FoV_OUT"
//	}

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