My favorite mod for Diablo 2 is for sure Path of Diablo. Unfortunately creator of that mod will not make it for Single Player. There is another very similar mod called Project Diablo 2 that supports Single Player. But that mod is imo much harder than original LoD or Path of Diablo. I want to experience LoD/PoD type of balance in single player while playing content of PD2. So i waited for someone to create a mod for Project Diablo 2 that will lower the difficulty for people like me. I'm done waiting. I will do it myself. With no experience with modding i quickly learned how to do basic text edits and made what is possible to bring that LoD/PoD balance (or at least as close as you can get with just text editing) into single player Project Diablo 2. This very simple text file mod is for Project Diablo 2 mod - please support creators of Project Diablo 2 requirements: Diablo 2 LoD 1.13c + Project Diablo 2 mod + PlugY (for shared stash and Uber Tristram)

remember: install Project Diablo 2 ONLY from original source provided by creators of the mod:

don't trust any other sources (it would probably be outdated anyway)

if you absolutely have to... do it at your own risk, don't blame anyone but yourself if you catch a virus when you install Project Diablo 2 from other sources.

Project Diablo 2 from original source is 100% virus free.

ver 5-8-15

5-8-4-beta:small fix with stats in monstats.txt
5-8-4b-beta:small but important readme update (about PD2 instalation and uber tristram)
5-8-4c-beta:small but important readme update, + added my PlugY.ini
(about PlugY settings - it's important to read about possible PlugY bugs and how to properly {completely} avoid them-it's in the readme),
5-8-5: Energy Shield - synergy from telekinesis back at LoD value (from 225%-100% damage taken, to 200%-75%)
AMAZON: EVADE and DODGE buff (from 33% at lvl 20 to 50% at lvl 14 ; cap from 40% to 65%)
ASSASSIN: weapon block back at LoD values (from 36% at lvl 10 to 50% at lvl 10)
FADE buff to LoD values ( curse reduction and physical resists )
DRUID: werewolf +%HP buff back at LoD value (from 0% to +25%)
werebear +%HP buff back at LoD value (from 0% to +75%)
BARBARIAN: battle cry back at Season 4 DURATION (12s+0.4s/LVL)
{+ small readme update about PlugY bugs}
5-8-6: Barbarian Find item back to LoD values (now same as in Diablo 2 Resurrected)
5-8-7: freeze and chill duration vs monsters in hell difficulty buff (x2) (this is changed in 5-8-10)
5-8-8: necromancer bone wall and bone prison delay reduced by 20% (1s->0.8s ; 5s->4s)
sorceress teleport damage penalty reduced (from 65%-25% to 25%-5%)
5-8-9: necromancer bone wall and bone prison delay REMOVED
5-8-10: werebear maul stun - minimum stun 0.2s->0.4s
werebear shockwave stun 0.2->0.4s
werewolf feral rage life steal x2 + no limit (50% of LoD value)
+ fixed description/tooltip feral rage bugs of PD2
(in PD2 you get up to 20 LifeSteal { slvl 35 } description shows 10 max)
barbarian war cry stun = 0->0.2 second
barbarian stun skill stun duration increased (LoD warcry stun duration)
mind blast stun now scales down with levels to a minimum of 0.2s
added duration description (for chill) for ice barrage skill
added cold lenght description for blizzard
lightning fury - number of bolts at lvl 1: 10->16
freeze/chill penalty per difficulty back to LoD/PD2/D2R
freeze/chill duration on skills rebalanced (delete DifficultyLevels.txt from previous version-no longer needed)
5-8-11: fixed werebear shockwave stun from 10s to correct 0.4s (..oops..)
cold arrow duration description no longer changes depending on difficulty (for consistency with other skills)
dim vision duration rebalanced (now 1.6s +0.4s/lvl in all difficulties)
stun skill description change (from 'duration' to 'stun length')
ice barrage skill description change (from 'duration' to 'cold length')
mind blast duration description fixes (now shows correct values)
5-8-12: - fixed cold mastery displaying wrong amount of cold pierce in description
- fixed static field displaying wrong amount of -res in description {it actually never goes below -40 -res (capped)}
- cold mastery cold pierce changed from 5+1/lvl,45 cap to 6+2/lvl, no cap
- fire mastery fire pierce changed from 1/lvl,30 cap to 3+1/lvl, no cap
- sorceress static field -resist progress now -1/lvl at all levels (now -40 at lvl 39 , was -40 at lvl 56)
{ sorceress static field has a cap of -40 -res , PD2 wiki is WRONG, skill description showing
in PD2 below -40 -res (lvl58+) is WRONG because of bad softcoding in description - fixed }
{ mercenary static field unchanged }
- sorceress static field duration changed from 5s to 5s+0.2s/lvl
- sorceress static field radius cap removed
5-8-12-b: added radius in description for fireball ( it's WRONG, it does NOT scale, it's always at LoD value of 2.66y - PD2 WIKI IS WRONG)
5-8-12-c: radius in description for fireball now displays correct value (it does NOT scale, it's always at LoD value of 2.66y - PD2 WIKI IS WRONG)
5-8-13: - assassin elemental traps and sorceress hydras now benefit from -%ElementalPierce at 25% (4% pierce=1% pierce for trap/hydra)
- sorceress shiver/chilling armor now start at 300s duration
- sorceress energy shield/thunder storm now start at 300s duration
- sorceress blaze duration now uncapped (from 8s cap)
- paladin prayer aura mana cost REMOVED
- paladin minimum sacrifice dmg to self now 1% (from 3%)
- assassin charged bolt sentry description now shows shots fired (it's 5+1 per 4baselvl of lightning sentry, 10 max)
- small fireball description fix (moved radius a bit higher)
5-8-14: - Monsters have X% Chance of Open Wounds MAP mod removed
5-8-15: - barbarian berserk -%defense from -100% to -50% + added description for -% defense

easy as in LoD mod by MAOMAC

to use this Single Player mod for Project Diablo 2 (currently made from season 5 patch 8)
make data/global/excel folders in ProjectD2 folder and copy all text files into excel folder
after that
add -direct -txt to shortcut
(for example: change ...ProjectD2\PlugY.exe" to ...ProjectD2\PlugY.exe" -direct -txt)
(if you still don't know how to do it use google and search for how to install simple diablo 2
mods with -direct -txt method)

every change was made so that you can switch between this and normal PD2 safely
(no stat/item changes/lvlup changes etc. that would brick your char/make it different from original PD2
permanently so you can safely test it on your PD2 chars, and then remove it if you don't like it)

I will try to explain what i think about my changes and reasons behind them etc.

- 'prime evil' stat removed from all monsters
- monster HP reduced by 50% (so we technically "deal" 100% more damage compared to unmodded PD2)
- monster and minion crit chance reduced from 5% to 0% (no crit)
- you can leech from all monsters
- BARBARIAN battle cry back at Season 4 DURATION (12s+0.4s/LVL)
- BO changed to: lvl 1 +350 hp , mana +175 / stat per lvlup same as PD2,
(basically this lvl 1 BO = unmodded PD2 lvl 21, we got free 20 lvls)
(barb merc provides same bonus as in unmodded PD2-he uses new lvl 1)
- lycanthropy changed to LoD values = +20% lvl 1 , +5%/lvlup
- COMBAT REFLEXES: lvl 1 +500 hp and +50hp/lvl
- NECRO corpse explosion %dmg buff x2 (from 5-10 to 10-20)
- ASSASSIN death sentry corpse explosion %dmg buff x2 (from 3-5 to 6-10)
in skill description but it's there)
- MIRROR, ethVIAL, UNLIMITED KEY drop chance improved (ZOD rune rarity)
- CORRUPTION chance rebalance-now every corruption has "equal" chance FROM a group
(so if it rolls sockets for example you have 1/6 chance to have 6 sockets)
- Monsters have X% Deadly Strike map corruption REMOVED
- QOL:now you can cube multiple flawless gems into perfect gems
- act bosses are always "quest bugged" (i noticed people don't like act boss farming
in PD2 that much, i guess it's not as good as farming maps, so i decided
to buff it a bit by giving them droptable of quest versions. Now every
act boss kill will give you same drops as quest act boss kill)
- skill shrine removed {due to a bug in PD2}
(skill shrine is bugged in PD2 with skills that give flat hp boost
{makes annoying hp glitch where our HP globe never goes back to correct value
after shrine runs out-so it looks like we are never full hp until save+exit}
so i set mininum area level for spawn to 200-in theory it will remove it completely)
- Energy Shield - synergy from telekinesis back at LoD value (from 225%-100% damage taken, to LoD 200%-75%)
- AMAZON: EVADE and DODGE buff (from 33% at lvl 20 to 50% at lvl 14 ; cap from 40% to 65%)
- ASSASSIN: weapon block back at LoD values (from 36% at lvl 10 to 50% at lvl 10)
FADE buff to LoD values ( curse reduction and physical resists )
- DRUID: werewolf +%HP buff back at LoD value (from 0% to +25%)
werebear +%HP buff back at LoD value (from 0% to +75%)
- Barbarian Find item back to LoD values (now same as in Diablo 2 Resurrected)
- necromancer bone wall and bone prison delay REMOVED
- sorceress teleport damage penalty reduced (from 65%-25% to 25%-5%)
- werebear maul stun - minimum stun 0.2s->0.4s
- werebear shockwave stun 0.2->0.4s
werewolf feral rage life steal x2 + no limit (50% of LoD value)
+ fixed description/tooltip feral rage bugs of PD2
(in PD2 you get up to 20 LifeSteal { slvl 35 } description shows 10 max)
- barbarian war cry stun = 0->0.2 second
- barbarian stun skill stun duration increased (LoD warcry stun duration)
- mind blast stun now scales down with levels to a minimum of 0.2s
- added cold lenght description for blizzard
- lightning fury - number of bolts at lvl 1: 10->16
- freeze/chill duration on skills rebalanced
- dim vision duration rebalanced (now 1.6s +0.4s/lvl)
- cold mastery cold pierce changed from 5+1/lvl,45 cap to 6+2/lvl, no cap
- fire mastery fire pierce changed from 1/lvl,30 cap to 3+1/lvl, no cap
- sorceress static field -resist progress now -1/lvl at all levels (now -40 at lvl 39 , was -40 at lvl 56)
{ sorceress static field has a cap of -40 -res , PD2 wiki is WRONG, skill description showing
in PD2 below -40 -res (lvl58+) is WRONG because of bad softcoding in description - fixed }
{ mercenary static field unchanged }
- sorceress static field duration changed from 5s to 5s+0.2s/lvl
- sorceress static field radius cap removed
- assassin elemental traps and sorceress hydras now benefit from -%ElementalPierce at 25% (4% pierce=1% pierce for trap/hydra)
- sorceress shiver/chilling armor now start at 300s duration
- sorceress energy shield/thunder storm now start at 300s duration
- sorceress blaze duration now uncapped (from 8s cap)
- paladin prayer aura mana cost REMOVED
- paladin minimum sacrifice dmg to self now 1% (from 3%)
- removed Monsters have X% Chance of Open Wounds MAP mod
- barbarian berserk -%defense from -100% to -50% + added description for -% defense
- small skill description improvements

Detailed explanation for changes in readme ( because of Description character limit )

I made this small SP mod to Project Diablo 2 (Season 5 {currently Patch #8}) because i think balance in PD2 is ...not fun for me.
D2 for me (LoD and PoD) is the game where i can relax farming monsters and content doesn't require me
to be a mechanical GOD to kill a monster (Diablo Clone and RATHMA are WAY too hard for my old slow hands)

Also what is up with these items that have no real chance to drop? Unlimited key, mirror and ethVIAL?
it feels bad knowing there is this item that can do cool stuff but the chance to find it is like 1/infinity
I BUFFED DROPRATE of those items to ZOD runes. Still very rare but now they actually exist.
Corruption chances not evenly distributed is another thing i don't like. I prefer PoD system.

Dmg. If you compare dmg in PD2 and in LoD/PoD you will see that it was nerfed almost everywhere.
You deal from 2x as much to even 4x as much dmg in LoD/PoD.

Detailed explanation for changes in readme ( because of Description character limit )

every change was made so that you can switch between this and normal PD2 safely (no stat/item changes/lvlup changes etc. that would brick your char/make it different from original PD2 permanently)


try to leave town when last PlugY stashpage that was open WAS NOT filled with maps/amulets/rings with a lot of mods on them
the game can bug out sometimes if you do that (or so I've heard)
just move to a page that doesn't have A LOT of items with A LOT of mods on them before going out killing monsters.

plugy is bugged in s5 because ofc it is
do not use shared gold, empty it (so you have 0 shared gold) and disable in plugy settings
limit your stash (i do 501 personal and 2001 shared) and put something in the last page (personal and shared, i use a simple key), then save and exit.
you do this to avoid a bug that randomly puts you into stash number QUADRILLION OR SOMETHING, very annoying.

most of the time PlugY switch/change stashTYPE button will be bugged and "stuck" , to "unbug" it simply interact with the stash
{ for example: put item in / click on page name / etc. }

PlugY: (i added my PlugY.ini in the .zip if you don't want to make changes manually, read about how to avoid bugs-important)

first you need to kill ball in hell (have finished last quest) and i think you don't need to in online server. ( i can be wrong here
but i remember there was a problem like that in the past).
Spawn rates. they are GIGA broken compared to online. from my testing changing meph to 20, and dia/ball to 10 is comparable to online
so i use:



some like 40/15/15 for example, standard settings of 80/30/30 make them spawn monsters like crazy

remember to have ActiveUberBaalChillingArmorTweekAI=0 in PlugY settings {don't put 1 here} ,
because baal in uber tristram dies instantly if you have it set to 1.
This bug existed from the beginning of Project Diablo 2 and probably will never be fixed.

PlugY stash settings:
some settings are a must to avoid bugs:

this needs to be 0 , so we have that super big stash from Project Diablo 2 and avoid bugs:

this also needs to be 0 to avoid a lot of bugs, but before you change it be sure you have 0 shared gold:

after ActiveSharedGold=0 , but before [STATS POINTS] (so it's in [STASH] section):
just copy-paste this button location settings:


we need that so PlugY buttons are in correct places.

we also have to limit the stash, then put something in last pages to avoid random strange bugs,
without this little trick shared stash can bug out, and personal stash is so bugged it's broken
{it's a Project Diablo 2 bug , doesn't matter if you have my little "mod" or not}
(i usually put my 2 starting scrolls at pages 501 in personal stash, and 2001 in shared stash
, you only need 1 item in last page to "unbug" the stash, so when you create your second char just
put 1 item at last personal page, since shared page already should have 1 no need to add another,
if you need your stash to be bigger in the future-no problem-set new limits and put something in new
last pages).

this is also recommended:


don't worry, in Project Diablo 2 we can fight Diablo Clone if this is set to 0, but to fight him we don't
sell any items to vendors, but farm for special items. If you set this to 1 you technically can fight
PlugY version of Diablo Clone, but it will not drop anything.
For more info visit Project Diablo 2 subreddit or Project Diablo 2 wiki,
easy to find just google (you need to anyway because there are MANY changes in Project Diablo 2).

I added my PlugY.ini in the .zip.


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Easy as LoD mod by MAOMAC v-5-8-15-E3 for Project Diablo 2 mod

Easy as LoD mod by MAOMAC v-5-8-15-E3 for Project Diablo 2 mod

Full Version

v-5-8-15-E3 is easy version of v-5-8-15 , made for players that don't have a lot of time to play. My favorite mod for Diablo 2 is for sure Path of Diablo...

Easy as LoD mod by MAOMAC v-5-8-15 for Project Diablo 2 mod

Easy as LoD mod by MAOMAC v-5-8-15 for Project Diablo 2 mod

Full Version

My favorite mod for Diablo 2 is for sure Path of Diablo. Unfortunately creator of that mod will not make it for Single Player. There is another very similar...

Easy as LoD mod by MAOMAC v-5-8-14-E3 for Project Diablo 2 mod

Easy as LoD mod by MAOMAC v-5-8-14-E3 for Project Diablo 2 mod

Full Version

v-5-8-14-E3 is easy version of v-5-8-14 , made for players that don't have a lot of time to play. My favorite mod for Diablo 2 is for sure Path of Diablo...

Easy as LoD mod by MAOMAC v-5-8-14-E2 for Project Diablo 2 mod

Easy as LoD mod by MAOMAC v-5-8-14-E2 for Project Diablo 2 mod

Full Version

v-5-8-14-E2 is easy version of v-5-8-14 , made for players that don't have a lot of time to play. My favorite mod for Diablo 2 is for sure Path of Diablo...

Easy as LoD mod by MAOMAC v-5-8-14-E for Project Diablo 2 mod

Easy as LoD mod by MAOMAC v-5-8-14-E for Project Diablo 2 mod

Full Version

v-5-8-14-E is easy version of v-5-8-14 , made for players that don't have a lot of time to play. My favorite mod for Diablo 2 is for sure Path of Diablo...

Easy as LoD mod by MAOMAC v-5-8-14 for Project Diablo 2 mod

Easy as LoD mod by MAOMAC v-5-8-14 for Project Diablo 2 mod

Full Version

My favorite mod for Diablo 2 is for sure Path of Diablo. Unfortunately creator of that mod will not make it for Single Player. There is another very similar...

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