This mod was primarily made for GZDoom in mind, the source port I am most familiar with, which also means I am uncertain if the mod would work for other source ports. I am also entirely new to modding, so criticisms and suggestions are more than welcome. This simple mod aims to enhance the music of Doom since most midi devices in the sound options menu whilst using GZDoom (for me at least)felt rather dated and mundane. So with the help of Jim DarkMagic and a few others on Youtube, I found some rather neat samples of the songs, but with sharper sounds and more noticable parts/details in the songs, without risking too much in terms of the vanilla rhythm most of us are familiar with. This is in beta as of December 07, 2019, since I do believe that there are still quite a few songs I might need to adjust in terms of length and ones I have to shorten to avoid awkward pauses in-between songs. I am also planning to make one for DOOM 2, but it will take time, just like this one.

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DOOM 2 Vanilla Enhanced Music

DOOM 2 Vanilla Enhanced Music


An variant of V.E.M, but for DOOM II replacing all 21 unique tracks.

DOOM Vanilla Enahnced Music V2

DOOM Vanilla Enahnced Music V2

Music 1 comment

I noticed a few songs with some E.S.B (extra silent bits, if you catch my drift) so I cut some of them out.