May 24, 2177 A.D. You are on a transport vessel heading towards Mars. You have been in the Marines for 15 years, and served the planet loyally. You were just promoted and your first mission was a distress call from Mars. Every one of your friends has gone to Mars, and said the distress calls were basically routine. By that, you thought there was nothing to worry about. The ship entered the atmosphere and then landed at one of the ports. A sandstorm was just picking up, so you were losing visibility as you walked into the giant facility. Inside was like any building on Earth. You dropped your luggage off and followed your group. They all went into the General's office, the man who was controlling the military activity on Mars. He gave you the low-down of what they needed to do. An accident had happened in one of the lower engineering platforms. It wasn't anything serious, but it was causing repercussions that cut half of the building's output. You had to go to a remote part...

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DOOM: Legions of Hell Source Code

DOOM: Legions of Hell Source Code

Source Code

At long last I finally get it out there, not really a big deal, i just kinda had it thrown on the back of my hard drive on my computer. I don't want it...

DOOM: Legions of Hell (v1.02)

DOOM: Legions of Hell (v1.02)

Full Version

This is the 640k version of the the game. Version 1.02 Released March 18th, 2007. (Previous version didn't work, corrupt or not found).