Ever wondered what the Original Doom would have been like if it was closer to the Doom Bible? well Here comes "Doom: Fall of Tei Tenga", a Project planned to Release fully later in 2022, Fully Recreating what was Described in the Original Doom Design Document whilst adding new things unseen in Other mods, such as the forgotten ProbJectile weapon (Planned Nailgun Type Weapon) and A few NPCs Mentioned in the Doom Bible...

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Shareware edition Update


So, After taking a brief break for my own mental Health, I finally returned to development, as of right now, a TON of progress has been made, E1M6 is getting close to finished, all I have to do is add a few more rooms and fix some scripting, and then I can get this mod out sooner, so, as far as things go, the Shareware Build is nearing completion, I can't promise much, but I aim to get the mod released at the latest deadline of October 15th.

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Huge update


Now, a promise that I have always stuck by is that if the mod isn't mostly finished by the end of 2022, then I would at least get the shareware release out by the end of 2022 (Shareware release being all of E1), There have been some updates to the project with E1M4 being finished and E1M5 starting development, However, most of the stuff originally seen in the screenshots for E1M1-E1M3 Could possibly be changed or even outright replaced, to give you a bit of background, Starting work on E1M5 made me realise how much better potential the project could have if I went for bigger, more innovative levels, as such, I have decided that I will be completely remaking all of E1M1-E1M4, making the maps much larger and more "explosive", feeling like a perfect blend of action and survival horror (the original intended goal of the project), as such, the shareware release has been delayed a bit to October 2022 (If I can finish the maps by then), but for now, all you guys might have for a while in terms of content is occasional posts on the W.I.P maps...

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