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Post news Report RSS Reply DNRP3 Development Blog 5 - Launch Announcement

Information about our upcoming release being near and positions which players can apply for.

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Delorious Network Presents...

Welcome to our fifth development blog and arguably our most important one. I'm very pleased to finally announce our intention of announcing the launch of our third scenario iteration for Warband RP: The Dhirim Burgeon! I know many of you have been clambering for the launch and we're pleased to announce it here!. In this announcement we're going to confirm information in relation to the final applicable positions, the application process and other details relating to launch - if you don’t find your question answered, head over to our Q&A Thread, and we will try to answer your query as good as possible.

Lacking of a solid city scenario in the past few years, we have worked on putting a twist on a classic, making adjustments to fit the size of what the community is now. Similiar to DNRP1, we will be running a storyline chain of events for players to follow and interact with (ultimately deciding the outcome with their actions). We wanted to add some continuity to these events though, following on in some capacity to the affairs of DNRP1 (after all, you are the ones who made that scenario what it was) and therefore the storyline will have familiar locations, character descendents and lore which connects directly from the proceeding of 1260-1263. We will still be emphasising the anonymity of player’s OOC identities in respect to their character and the community as a whole. Even though we will be relaxing the rule somewhat, such as allowing players to post their own posters, deliberately exposing a player’s identity still remains a permanent ban. Character Sheets and Biographies have been scrapped, in place of Character Applications - we are directing our way towards developing your character and its goals instead of asking for a long biography just for bureaucratic sake.

The application process for positions will last for approximately two weeks, with applications closing on Saturday 3rd December @ 6PM GMT. Although there will only be two nobles per faction, we hope depending on the numbers post launch we may grant an additional support noble in the first few weeks. And finally, I wish to reiterate we are actively searching for new staff. It does not matter if you have experience or not, we are looking for active members to join our team, from Enforcer and Moderators, to Event Managers, Lore Writers and Mappers - see duties for each rank here. This server would not have been possible without the great work of all members of the team, so thank you to everyone involved!

Steam Group:

The Dhirim Burgeon

The Lambourne Plain and its adjacent forest are separated by rocky outcrops, towering high into the sky for all to see. Many who have little architectural background could be forgiven in mistaking these varied outcrops to be the perfect place for a fortress to reside. However, the sheer volatile nature of this collection of rocks are enough for any sane nobleman to steer well away. The further you delve through, you will find a narrow but deep river, the Vinteaux, which travels through the forest of Sereine and forms a small lake. The river is not only an essential life source in times of poor harvest, but keeps the hungry peasants well-fed in usual times of argued snobbery by the ruling class. Dense deciduous forestry covers much of the western parts of the region, harbouring a vast array of criminals and vermin looking to prey on the innocent working folk of the lands. Even as the forest reaches close to the walls of Dhirim itself, it thins out a little as the local woodcutters remain constant at their duty to their liege but in times of lush summer afternoons, the leaves still tend to lick at the battlements.

As one heads into the outskirts of Dhirim, the walls begin to creep over the heads of the trees which were once hiding them, and their neighbouring towers rising high above with an intimidating air. Upon a rock face near the walls of the city can be found a mineshaft, belonging to three separate political districts and comprising iron, salt and the precious metals of gold and silver. Bandits regularly stalk these cavernous tunnels and the locals are warned to enter at their own risk. Near the base of the mountains can be found the local vineyard, the makeshift canes holding up the flourishing vines of an assortment of grapes. Heading east of the great eastern gatehouse of Dhirim you will find the vast fields of wheat ploughed and toiled by the serfs of Dhirim and is the city’s lifeline. Although the odd bandit roams in the countryside to prey on the weakened, rumours of recent years had put the malicious acts of sabotage of buildings, kidnappings, and murders on a clandestine group operating in the city; no one knows how true these claims are, but one thing is for certain: Duke Morlan's subjects are not truly safe from harm.

Factions/Notables Overview

Dhirim is the name given to both the City and the Duchy surrounding the easternmost territories of the Kingdom of Swadia. The City is only now recovering from a period of almost 40 years of demagoguery, civil unrest and war, stemming from the infamous actions of Duke Clais II. The current titleholder, Duke Morlan, rose to the challenge, paying off owed reparation to the King, and he has managed to win the favour of both commoners and nobles alike. Now in his 28th year of rule, he forms his court in the great citadel, overseeing his multitude of vassals within the city to maintain its smooth management. Outwards of the city's walls, the only major two vassals left under the duchy's control are Count Thomas of Derchios, Count Henry IV of Senuzgda. Losing both counties of Rindyar and Tibault to the Vaegirs by the coalition was a painful loss to Morlan, but with their soft subjugation to the neighbouring Vaegir Prince, Duke Morlan still holds out in a future of their unification once more. The more immediate predicament is from the loss of Reindi Castle to the Khuzait tribe of Taejin. And with their war with a neighbouring tribe, an influx of refugees is beginning to create more problems than anticipated.

Inside Dhirim is where fortunes are made and lost. The people of the eastern municipality are administered by its mayor, elected every three weeks (IRL) to his post. Here, law and order is maintained by direction of the mayor, and orders executed by the local catchpoles to police the streets. Forming their council in the city hall, a range of notable members of the city have their own seat on the council, to raise their own issues, whilst the council plays its part in judgement in trials when necessary. The two noble houses face one another either side of the marketplace and host the two local lords, with their lineage being traced back centuries. These lords, however, have become frustrated with the changing times, with more opportunities for the common folk and the squeezing of their own influence on the populace.

The Eastern Municpal of Dhirim

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The heart of the city’s governance, the Eastern Municipal decides the east side of Dhirim’s political and economical direction. The Mayor sits in the centre of it all, and his career depends on the success of his actions. Planning and new buildings are decided here, new laws created amongst the council, existing laws at work to deliver justice and disputes at all levels are solved on his watch. Under him are his catchpoles, in charge of keeping peace in the city and if things don’t remain in tip-top condition, the mayor can find himself leaving office as quickly as he arrived. The Eastern Municipal has the right to any wild game from the forest, such as deer, any fish from its rivers and has claims to any gold or silver found in the mountains.

Applicable Positions

The Mayor of Eastern Dhirim (Noble or Commoner) - Faction Leader

The prerequisites for this position are: we ask that the character is at minimum 18, although as a team we will prefer if the character was a more mature age of 30s/40s; accept the conditions of the council structure (to be announced) and failure to comply may lead to their arrest and removal of office; have a deputy who is available if the mayor cannot be found; an experience of past management in groups such as factions and organisations will be beneficial; and the ability to relate to different character in political situations to solve diplomatic scenarios.

Noble House One

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Situated to the west side of the market square, Noble House One is home to one of the two noble houses in eastern Dhirim. Boasting a lineage going back approximately half a century more than their counterpart, their Lord boasts a longer and (in their claims stronger) dynastic line. He manages his household and family with aim to live a comfortable life whilst also working to strengthen his standing in the city, both politically and economically. His district hosts some of the best housing in the city, albeit requiring thorough renovations to be declared fit to live within. Other than that, Noble House One holds significant assets such as rights to the vineyard and its press within its district, possessing the right to any flax which grows within the forest and has claims to any iron ore found within the mountain.

Applicable Positions

Lord of TBD House (Noble) - Faction Leader.

Prerequisites for this position are: be of Swadian descent; we ask that the character is at minimum 16 as to avoid a regency; create a basic family structure of approximately 3-6 characters outside the scenario but has a viable relation and whom the FL could bring on if there is a need for additional support nobles; possess the ability to lead a group of players and proven experience in leading a faction or similar sort of group; be able to provide roleplay to their faction alongside commoners outside the faction with a willingness to create roleplay events intended to provide intrigue to the scenario as a whole; and the foresight to observe their faction’s wellbeing with balancing the powers in the scenario to avoid not creating a potential apocalyptic event which could severely damage their own faction.

Heir to Noble House (Noble) - Support Noble.

Prerequisites for this position are: be of Swadian descent; be in his late teens at a minimum, and if the applicant insists on being a child, to give a good reason as to why and how it can benefit the faction as a whole; direct their main traits in how they’re going to support their FL, be loyal to the FL and not be in heritably a rebellious family member; and experience playing notable characters and/or nobles is beneficial, although we are open to those who have never played a noble before.

Noble House Two

SPOILER: Click to show

Situated to the east side of the market square, Noble House Two is home to one of the two noble houses in eastern Dhirim. Their lineage is a respectable one, going back centuries, however it cannot be traced as far back as their counterpart; their Lord is quick to point out that even though their dynasty does not have a dynasty as lengthy, they instead (they claim) to have a much more successful dynastic line. The Lord manages his household and family with aim to live a comfortable life whilst also working to strengthen his standing in the city, both politically and economically. His district host some of the best housing in the city, albeit requiring thorough renovations to be declared fit to live within. Other than that, Noble House Two holds significant assets such as rights to the wheat farms and controlling its own farmstead, possessing the right to any apples grown outside the walls and any wood taken from the forest and has claims to any salt deposits found within the mountain.

Applicable Positions

Lord of TBD House (Noble) - Faction Leader

Prerequisites for this position are: be of Swadian descent; we ask that the character is at minimum 16 as to avoid a regency; create a basic family structure of approximately 3-6 characters outside the scenario but has a viable relation and whom the FL could bring on if there is a need for additional support nobles; possess the ability to lead a group of players and proven experience in leading a faction or similar sort of group; be able to provide roleplay to their faction alongside commoners outside the faction with a willingness to create roleplay events intended to provide intrigue to the scenario as a whole; and the foresight to observe their faction’s wellbeing with balancing the powers in the scenario to avoid not creating a potential apocalyptic event which could severely damage their own faction.

Heir to Noble House (Noble) - Support

Prerequisites for this position are: be of Swadian descent; be in his late teens at a minimum, and if the applicant insists on being a child, to give a good reason as to why and how it can benefit the faction as a whole; direct their main traits in how they’re going to support their FL, be loyal to the FL and not be in heritably a rebellious family member; and experience playing notable characters and/or nobles is beneficial, although we are open to those who have never played a noble before.

Notable Characters

Applying for a notable character requires a special character application.


The Inn is one of the central areas of the city beside the three factions. It is one of the historic points of the city, withstanding against past invasions and disasters which have inflicted Dhirim. Having been in the same family for the past four generations, the household who run the Inn have a renown reputation in the local area. The Inn control a fair amount of land within the city's walls, hosting both several floors of entertaining space and a courtyard with exterior seating. The complex will host rooms available to rent out to the public and the ability to produce local beer to supply the Inn itself.

Prerequisites for this position are: preferably a small a diverse family running the inn, each with their own role to play who can not only keep the Inn functioning but also contribute and develop their own character stories - not just a family of brothers in their 20s hogging a name tag; a deputy who will ensure, if the innkeeper isn't available, the business will still be able to run; and lastly we're looking for people who will give people reasons to go to the Inn. What do I mean by this? Events. Small and fun ones like a darts tournament or drinking competitions! Or bigger, more general ones like feasts! When you apply we want to see ideas from what you intend to do, alongside a basic form of menu and anything else which will support your application.

Bank Manager

Many would argue the bank is the most value enterprise within Dhirim. Without it, the wealth of the population would be at risk to thieves and vermin looking to take advantage of other's hard-earned coin. The banker has the ability to store money in their vaults, store items in deposit boxes and offer insurance for buildings in case of damage - other features are open to ideas from applicants. They have a vault where all the valuables are stored, including gold & silver bars which players can invest in as a secondary form of currency.

Prerequisites for this position are: be of Swadian descent and of adult age; a deputy of some kind, due to its significance, we require maintaining a constant contact with the bank to ensure it remains running smooth alongside the staff team; and applicants need to be in agreement that the money which is provided by the staff team to assist the use of loans must not be used for personal preferences and recorded in a basic spreadsheet - those who fail to record loans or misuse the money risk of being banned.

Arena Master

The Arena boasts not only a main circular arena for general combat, but secondary sectors such as a jousting area and archery area. The Arena Master is an independent role to both the noble houses and the city government (however still under the laws of the city). The Arena Master will be provided with equipment to allow fair fights, however this equipment should not be used as personal gear nor sold off, or risk being banned.

Prerequisites for this position are: be of adult age; be willing to to provide ample events for the population to delve into; and when applying to provide some concepts for more elaborate events which you wish to put on in the arena (with or without staff assistance).

Head Surgeon

A facility which is usually forgotten in many scenarios, the surgery will be the home of the Physicians and Herbalists of the city. The surgeons will have a building near the central marketplace to conduct their duties, with both a ground floor for wider admissions and an upper floor for more private quarters for patients. The head surgeon, who controls the building, will also have their own private chambers to where they will live.

Prerequisites for this position are: be open to engage with Event Managers for possible small events medical related; and for the role to openly look to recruit new physicians and herbalists to centralise the surgery a little more. We have plenty of material on the forums to help aid those in said position, be it from the Physician Guide written by Nitedarer (more for the surgeons/physicians) and a Herb Guide, best for those interested in Herbalism and what they can use to support their work.


One of the often overlooked places in a scenario is the church. Located beside the river flowing through the city, the church of Dhirim provides a spiritual place for its citizens to reflect, pay penance and worship. It is managed by the local Priest, who has the important duty to uphold the faith of the land and ensure ecclesiastical law is upheld. The Priest will host sermons within the church, have his own home besides the Church and have rooms to let out to the populace.

Prerequisites for this position are: be of Swadian descent; be of the male gender above the age of 30; be a practising Makerist; and be willing to make religious roleplay more engaging and not just use the position as a glorified sub-faction. We have material on Makerism which players can choose to fall back on where required or simply create new material to make it more enjoyable and unique. Furthermore, we will also provide equipment to the priest to allow him to look at recruiting characters into the church - not necessarily solely religious ones - but ones who can help positively support the church in its functions.

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