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The Story: There once was a tiger-stripe cat. This cat died a million deaths and was reborn a million times and was owned by various people who he didn't care for. The cat wasn't afraid to die... One day, the cat was a free cat, a stray cat. He met a white female cat, and the two cats spent their days happily together. Years passed, and the white cat died of old age. The tiger-striped cat cried a million times, and then he died too. Except this time it never came back to life... In the Cowboy Bebop series one of the main characters told a tale of a tiger stripe cat who had many lives. The story this character told was actually in reference to his own life and told the outcome of the series before the final events took place. The story also spoke of events from the past never seen in the series. This game is the first of four games about Cowboy Bebop we will be designing. "The Tiger Stripe Cat" is a story about a story, it begins in the early years of main character...

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I want to thank all who have offered to help with the mod. Those who send me messages offering to help will make a great impact on how quickly this mod...

I need help..because this dead horse won't beat itself!


Consider this... With Help: * Work + Life + Website + Sleep + Mod + Mod Crew = A Very Happy Mr. Sandman & A Very Good Mod Without Help: * (- Work) + Life...

Much to Come...

News 2 comments

Ok! Everyone watching is probebly wondering why everything is gone. Your probebly saying to yourself right now "where the hell did everything go&quot...