Working on a new module from scrach using the "Native Model" and aim to make my own clone wars conquest module fully working and compatible with Warband.

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Bug Report(s) (Games : Mount & Blade: Warband : Mods : Clone Wars Conquest Warband : Forum : Bug reporting : Bug Report(s)) Locked
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Apr 23 2016 Anchor

Good, a bug report section.

!GAMEPLAY BUGS: ("Higher Priority")

- Arena mode "not working":
I'd say this one should receive a fix asap, as it limits the gameplay's options; whichever arena mode you pick, you will have no armor nor weapons (making it rather impossible to complete a single one of them).

- Random crashes:
In the latest version of the old SW Conquest mod for M&B, I remember certain crashes occuring whenever an enemy was killed during a battle map; maps like Mandalore would just crash instantly; in case your game starts crashing upon killing enemy units even in this new mod, I recommend attempting to go to Options and configuring Ragdolls and Corpses number on map both to "None".
No other crashes to report so far; will add more; I'd say crashes should get a higher priority.

- Training Academy not working:
Picking a Training Academy regimen will cause the game to remain stuck/frozen.

=CONTENT BUG: ("Lower priority")

- Animation bugs:
These have probably been reported countless times: Cantinas get overwhelmed by people who can't use a Chair; I'd say, don't even fix this, too hilarious. Ok, no.

- Text Errors:
Text that makes not much sense overall; "Some CIS Officer who was not told the Clone Wars are over!" - Well, Dayum sh*t man, Ye mean those Clankers behind ya are yer bosses? Just to quote my favourite situation.

- Constant Script Error messages:
I would actually like to enquire if there is a way to switch these ones off; all that red text is getting annoying.

- Missing Models:
For this one, just need to wait.


Edited April 30th.

Edited by: LuKeAA

May 4 2016 Anchor


I've just played a bit this awesome mod for now but here are some bugs I noticed:

-broken skyboxes: in almost every area skybox texture is replaced with some other texture (eg. lightsabre texute) or there is no texture at all, only black sky.

-broken droid citizens: all droids walking on planets as citizens are having head and hands of Darth Vader floating around them

-missing tusken raider masks: all tusken raiders have some strange faces instead of masks, I'm guessing they are missing their mask as in their equipment.

-no ground and trees texures: when I joined some battles the ground and some trees where shining white

- speeder bikes sounds and moves like horses

em, I just realised all clone troopers have bare feet

Also I had one time crash to desktop when I started new game as twillek female. As soon as map has been loaded game crashed.

Please keep up your awesome work :)

Edited by: dokuganryu

May 29 2016 Anchor

Droids have quite wierd head - droid head and human head are mixed!!!

I was so shocked that I just quit the game right away...

Jun 12 2016 Anchor

High Priority

With Lightsaber my character wont put his arms down. He cant swing lightsaber because he wont put his arms down.

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